Weigh in is every Monday and Friday....I will be editing this blog every Friday and Monday..Goal weight 185
Friday January 27 259lbs
Monday January 30 256lbs
This is the 411...Don't like it who gives a you know what..Don't read it. I won't lose no sleep. It's all about me and that's all that matters. 100% doing me all day everyday...KISS KISS
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Daily Reading
Card 1 (The Chariot) : How you feel about yourself now »
You feel everything is a constant battle at the moment, but persevere and you will triumph in the end. Expect some good news that will help you to keep going until you achieve your goals. This is a time of movement and change and of conflicts ending in victory. You may well consider a journey that relates to work or go for that new car you've been looking at.Card 2 (The Emperor) : What you most want at this moment »
The cards suggest that what you most want at this time is success and achievement, and the support and influence of perhaps your father, husband/partner or a man of significance in your life who you believe could help.Card 3 (The High Priestess) : Your fears »
You are feeling uneasy and insecure, something in your gut is saying 'be careful, all is not as it seems' - something just doesn't feel right. If so, delay any decisions or actions until you have answered your concerns. If male this could signify a significant woman in your life being a bad influence.Card 4 (Justice) : What is going for you »
There is a karmic power to the Justice card, reward for the good deeds you have done in the past. This is a period of good luck even if you don't know why you are being so favoured. You will approach any issues concerning relationships or business affairs with calm, balanced logic and any claim will go in your favour.Card 5 (The Hierophant) : What is going against you »
You are simply struggling to conform to others expectations of you and everybody has an opinion of what you should do. Perhaps you are having a crisis of faith and are unsettled at a very spiritual level. Ask yourself who you really are? What is important to you? What makes you happy? Seek out advice or wise counsel if you wish, but accepting who you really are and going after what you want instead of what others want for you is the most important.Card 6 (The Magician) : Outcome »
A time of positive action with great potential, you are full of self-belief and feeling very empowered. It's time to show everyone exactly what you're made of. You will have the ability to think on your feet and The Magician is an excellent omen for success.Today's workout
Just got back from the gym doing step this morning was refreshing got my heart pumping and working out for an additional hour after that. I am telling you I was going to work out until 11:30 but I have my training session tomorrow morning. So I am home eating a 6inch subway sub. My legs and thighs hurt but like they say no pain no gain. And tomorrow I know he is going to put me through the ringer. So time to eat lunch then go out with my homegirl Lisa and go shopping for a bit. Then back home for the kids. I have class tonight and then I am hit the bed. I also need to run to Home Depot to make this key but right now I am just going to chill for a bit. TTYL
Monday, January 30, 2012
Whats on my mind
This blog is titled Zero Tolerance for a reason. I have absolute zero tolerance for anyone bull crap. Men and women. Today this dude called me and got pissed because I wont make time in my busy schedule to fit him in. Where the hell do he get off thinking I am rearrange my day to fit him in schedule. I don't change my schedule for anyone. Call me selfish but oh well it's my life. Sometimes you have to be all about yours. He got an attitude hung up on me, I was cracking the hell up and texting my homegirl. Then this lame calls me back and says "Yo damn you didn't even call me back." I hit him with you beneath me lose my number. Went on Sprint.com and blocked him from calling and texting. I have zero tolerance for any bull crap. I was talking to my boo earlier and I told him about this. It's funny because we talk about everything. I mean everything he knows most of the stuff I know, you see I said most LOL. He was like wow look at you on your zero tolerance shit. Damn right!!!!
Things I will not be doing
1) Driving more then 35mins to see anyone unless I am going to the shore
2) Giving any of my money to any man dont' think so
3) Doing a long distance relationship
4) You live more then 35mins from me you need to meet me half way I have a truck and gas is to damn high
5) Lame ass broke ass dudes
I would rather be alone then mess with anyone on this list, and yes that' s half the dudes out here. Call me stuck up but call me a chick who knows what she wants. An already established man, not one with wish dreams. My girlfriends say it's the AKA in me I say no it's the Waller in me. I don't need a man to get my hair done, my nails done, or buy me shoes. Hell I can do all that own my own. I need a man to pay real bills. Pay BG&E then you can say what's going on in my house. I can't stand when a man pays no bills but wants to rule what's going on in your house. Does that make any since.
I can't wait until next week be hitting NJ on Saturday. Going to AC with my boo and see if I can win me some money. We are going to have a blast for Valentines Day weekend. I am dropping my kids off down the shore on Friday and Friday night I am going out with my homegirls and then Saturday I am heading to AC. I know my audience is waiting for me to put what I have planned for Valentines Day on my blog. But oh no I am not about to do that. What I have planned is for me to know and for him to find out. What goes on in my bed stays in my bed, or maybe my camera on my phone. LOL let me stop I am to much. Last night he came close to surrender though. I know you guys watched Family Matters with Steve Urkle I am using his line "I am breaking him down !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It's to much fun in my house I am telling you. I am telling you I could turn my life into a reality TV show all that goes on with me. But I don't think it would be good for TV. I am thinking about giving him my spare key. I am getting so tired of getting up going down stairs after I am in the bed comfortable. I might that way if I ever lock myself out he has the key. I might just do that. That way he can come in take his shower eat dinner if I make dinner, get his ass in the bed and I don't have to get up and unlock the door, or run around looking for towels. I don't see what he needs a towel for anyway, not like he keeps it on for long. Hell around him I can't keep socks on LOL We have a game where we time to see just how long we can keep clothes on. We started out 20 mins now it's no cut cards if he's coming no need to have them on. Well no need to talk about it anymore here he is. Time for my QT no blogging on his time....LOL
Things I will not be doing
1) Driving more then 35mins to see anyone unless I am going to the shore
2) Giving any of my money to any man dont' think so
3) Doing a long distance relationship
4) You live more then 35mins from me you need to meet me half way I have a truck and gas is to damn high
5) Lame ass broke ass dudes
I would rather be alone then mess with anyone on this list, and yes that' s half the dudes out here. Call me stuck up but call me a chick who knows what she wants. An already established man, not one with wish dreams. My girlfriends say it's the AKA in me I say no it's the Waller in me. I don't need a man to get my hair done, my nails done, or buy me shoes. Hell I can do all that own my own. I need a man to pay real bills. Pay BG&E then you can say what's going on in my house. I can't stand when a man pays no bills but wants to rule what's going on in your house. Does that make any since.
I can't wait until next week be hitting NJ on Saturday. Going to AC with my boo and see if I can win me some money. We are going to have a blast for Valentines Day weekend. I am dropping my kids off down the shore on Friday and Friday night I am going out with my homegirls and then Saturday I am heading to AC. I know my audience is waiting for me to put what I have planned for Valentines Day on my blog. But oh no I am not about to do that. What I have planned is for me to know and for him to find out. What goes on in my bed stays in my bed, or maybe my camera on my phone. LOL let me stop I am to much. Last night he came close to surrender though. I know you guys watched Family Matters with Steve Urkle I am using his line "I am breaking him down !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It's to much fun in my house I am telling you. I am telling you I could turn my life into a reality TV show all that goes on with me. But I don't think it would be good for TV. I am thinking about giving him my spare key. I am getting so tired of getting up going down stairs after I am in the bed comfortable. I might that way if I ever lock myself out he has the key. I might just do that. That way he can come in take his shower eat dinner if I make dinner, get his ass in the bed and I don't have to get up and unlock the door, or run around looking for towels. I don't see what he needs a towel for anyway, not like he keeps it on for long. Hell around him I can't keep socks on LOL We have a game where we time to see just how long we can keep clothes on. We started out 20 mins now it's no cut cards if he's coming no need to have them on. Well no need to talk about it anymore here he is. Time for my QT no blogging on his time....LOL
Weight Lost Track
Today I weighted in and I have lost 3 lbs in 3 days. I am so happy man. My personal trainer is happy to, he could of gotten cut today man. I love my trainer but he is to hard on me. Man this dude might be fine but oh my he is a mess looking after I am done working out with him. LOL Man I can't feel my legs. I am waiting on the kids to get home and I am going to relax. I have step up class in the morning at 9:30. I have been talking my pills and eating subway 6in subs on wheat bread. I weigh in on Monday and Fridays. When I lose 20lbs I will be throwing myself a party at BWX or one of the lounges downtown.I am also in the Golds Gym challenge the more weight I lose the more money I can win. You know I loves me some money. LOL TTYL
This morning
Just came back from my interview everything went well in my opinion. I have a lot of decisions to make if I decide to take this job in the next couple of weeks. I have to weigh my options on what I want and what I want more. Haven't taken the job because I need time to figure out what's important to me this job or my education. Right now my education is running on fast track and I am to close to stop now and post pone my MBA. I just don't see me doing that anytime soon. But I will think about it while I am at the gym hitting the heavy bag and boxing with my trainer. What's funny is he's a real boxer so he shows me somethings and keeps me motivated. I am headed there around 12. Maybe I can get some of my frustrations out on that bag and by the time I am done my cardeo I might have a decision. I know I am be sore tonight so that's somebody not saying no name DRE your cue I need a rub down like yesterday. If not tonight then tomorrow. I am going to the gym tomorrow everyday maybe twice a day. My trainer wants me to come twice a day but I am not ready for that just yet. I still have work for school to do when I get home and clean my room plus my kids room then I am take me a hot bubble bath in Epson Salt. OMG I am getting old. LOL My trainer cracks up at me when I say I am getting old. He's older then me so it's funny to him. But I need me some advice the question of the day WHAT'S MORE IMPORTANT MY EDUCATION OR THIS JOB...? I will figure it out I always do.After I get out the gym I am hit the Olive Garden for lunch and just think about it over a glass of red wine.
I am something else I noticed I always get my way because the towel is put up in the closet. LOL took me awhile but it got there. Last night I swear it felt like I was in a relationship more then a friendship fussing about how much laundry detergent I use. But it was not a real argument it was funny and I am still cracking up about it right now. I have called my girls and told them about it and we just roll. I wish you guys could of seen him standing here fussing about this towel. But I am do him one sold and leave the damn thing alone until he calls and says "Babe wash my towel". I know you guys are like WTH but it's something that keeps us laughing. I havent' felt this good about a man in a long time, and what's funny is that he was in my face the whole time and I never paid attention to him. I talked to my best friend and she is still on the you to need to be together tip. I will say my kids are not going to get caught up in no more of my relationships. This weekend I sat them down and told them what happened in my last relationship and why that's over. They understood and went outside to play. I love the fact they are little and don't have to worry about seeing mommy with this man and that one. Because I refuse to have a different man every week in my kids life saying this is mommy new man. That's not about to happen. I want a man who is there for me and then I will bring my kids into it when I feel it's the right time. Now is not the right time when the just say my X like 3 weeks ago. Right now I am having mad fun with him. I also have this interest I met at the bar Saturday. He is Italian and black, yes ladies he is FINE. Works, drives, own place, 33 no kids. I was like pinch me am I dreaming. But of course it's fresh and new we talk on the phone but he seems like he wants more and I am not ready for all that yet. I like being able to come home and not have to worry about no one going through my stuff. I actually like my relationship with Dre, we are good friends, we have love for each other, we don't complicate it at all. The second question of the day is "I am I in love with him or is it just a rebound affect from my last relationship ?" I already know what he's going to say "Girl hush you don't want me."He been saying that since October and then I just wanted him as a friend. Now I don't know it's something that's been on my mind since the beginning of December. Well who knows what God has in store for me only he knows. My reading are predicting a new love interest or an old one coming back. The new one better me my man I met at the bar and the old one better be the one I am sleeping with right now, because the other ones before I have no attraction to them to be back with any of them. That's why I changed my number, I don't want man I was with before. We walked away from each other for a reason and that's how it's going to be. I will say this I had good times and bad times in the previous relationships I been in. I have always learned things from them. I have noticed if you are fighting to fix something everyday for months then it's not meant to be fixed. Sometimes we have to be big girls and grown men and let shit GO.......No need to keep fighting when one persons heart isn't in it. And that's what happened in my last relationship. My heart wasn't in it anymore. I had fell for another man. The passion and fire wasn't there anymore, the fun times were gone. It had gotten to a point it felt like work. When I realized that I just couldn't put him or myself through that anymore and I said my goodbyes and wishes him well. I am where I want to be, I wake up and look next to me and see who I want to see. I fall asleep in your arms and nothing else matters. I asked him one time, you read my blog everyday and we talk everyday why don't you ever comment on m blog. He said becasue I talk to you everyday why comment on something when I can text you or call you makes no since. See and that's the asshole attitude I have to deal with everyday, but I know he's not fake and he knows I am not fake. Like I said we are to assholes together, and I love it. LOL Oh hell let me get the hell out of here and to this gym. TTYL
I am something else I noticed I always get my way because the towel is put up in the closet. LOL took me awhile but it got there. Last night I swear it felt like I was in a relationship more then a friendship fussing about how much laundry detergent I use. But it was not a real argument it was funny and I am still cracking up about it right now. I have called my girls and told them about it and we just roll. I wish you guys could of seen him standing here fussing about this towel. But I am do him one sold and leave the damn thing alone until he calls and says "Babe wash my towel". I know you guys are like WTH but it's something that keeps us laughing. I havent' felt this good about a man in a long time, and what's funny is that he was in my face the whole time and I never paid attention to him. I talked to my best friend and she is still on the you to need to be together tip. I will say my kids are not going to get caught up in no more of my relationships. This weekend I sat them down and told them what happened in my last relationship and why that's over. They understood and went outside to play. I love the fact they are little and don't have to worry about seeing mommy with this man and that one. Because I refuse to have a different man every week in my kids life saying this is mommy new man. That's not about to happen. I want a man who is there for me and then I will bring my kids into it when I feel it's the right time. Now is not the right time when the just say my X like 3 weeks ago. Right now I am having mad fun with him. I also have this interest I met at the bar Saturday. He is Italian and black, yes ladies he is FINE. Works, drives, own place, 33 no kids. I was like pinch me am I dreaming. But of course it's fresh and new we talk on the phone but he seems like he wants more and I am not ready for all that yet. I like being able to come home and not have to worry about no one going through my stuff. I actually like my relationship with Dre, we are good friends, we have love for each other, we don't complicate it at all. The second question of the day is "I am I in love with him or is it just a rebound affect from my last relationship ?" I already know what he's going to say "Girl hush you don't want me."He been saying that since October and then I just wanted him as a friend. Now I don't know it's something that's been on my mind since the beginning of December. Well who knows what God has in store for me only he knows. My reading are predicting a new love interest or an old one coming back. The new one better me my man I met at the bar and the old one better be the one I am sleeping with right now, because the other ones before I have no attraction to them to be back with any of them. That's why I changed my number, I don't want man I was with before. We walked away from each other for a reason and that's how it's going to be. I will say this I had good times and bad times in the previous relationships I been in. I have always learned things from them. I have noticed if you are fighting to fix something everyday for months then it's not meant to be fixed. Sometimes we have to be big girls and grown men and let shit GO.......No need to keep fighting when one persons heart isn't in it. And that's what happened in my last relationship. My heart wasn't in it anymore. I had fell for another man. The passion and fire wasn't there anymore, the fun times were gone. It had gotten to a point it felt like work. When I realized that I just couldn't put him or myself through that anymore and I said my goodbyes and wishes him well. I am where I want to be, I wake up and look next to me and see who I want to see. I fall asleep in your arms and nothing else matters. I asked him one time, you read my blog everyday and we talk everyday why don't you ever comment on m blog. He said becasue I talk to you everyday why comment on something when I can text you or call you makes no since. See and that's the asshole attitude I have to deal with everyday, but I know he's not fake and he knows I am not fake. Like I said we are to assholes together, and I love it. LOL Oh hell let me get the hell out of here and to this gym. TTYL
Thank You
Thank you for being there for me through the hard times
Thank you for holding me through all my tears
Thank you for helping me get through all my fears
Thank you for the years of being there for me
No walls are up when you are around me
You never make me blue
When I need you I know you will be there for me and I will be there for you
What we have is more then what either one of us realize
In three years you never lied to me
For that I want to say thank you
I almost lost you once but I wont make that mistake again
When you told me we wasn't going to be friends anymore it hurt
When I had to make that choice I already knew what it was going to be
You already knew and so did he that the choice was always you
Thank you for putting up with my smart ass attitude
Thank you for putting up with everything the past couple of months
Most men would of walked but you stayed and for that I have mad love
I am writing this because this is how I really feel
When I am with you I feel no pain
All I know is I am getting a gain
I can be honest with you about everything
And never be judged or put in a ring
To fight out the battles of my past
Never put into a situation where I can't leave when I want
Being with you I don't have to put on a front
Thank you for letting me be me
You made me open my eyes and see
The world for what it is
You made me realize I was playing the fool
You let me know when I did something that wasn't cool
You let me know when I am wrong
Friends or Lovers I don't know if I could make it if you were gone
Out of my life
No one is going to make me drop you
Not when we are stuck together like glue
We talk everyday and every night
I talk more to you then some husbands talk to there wives
We have disagreements but at the end of the day nothing matters
Thank you for washing me when I am stressed
Thank you for being there on the special days when no one else wasn't
With you by my side anything is possible
Thank you for making me believe in myself
Thank you for calling out other men's bull crap when I don't see it
I always say you have hater in your game
But you realize the dudes I been dealing with are lame
You always said I deserve better
You always said what is it about these weak men
You quick to point out when a man is playing me for a sucka
Then the other man is saying shorty you need to get rid of this motherfucka
Thank you for letting me have a brighter Monday
I used to call you the other man
When you been first for a long time now
Being here but so damn quite
We no longer have to fight it
Thank you is all I can say for everything
I know how much you care about me and we don't need to buy rings
I am not asking you to marry me and your not asking me to marry you
I've never been the fall back chick when it came to you
I've never questioned your manhood
Through the years its always been good
I've never questioned your loyalty
Because you treat me like royalty
You have my respect unlike some others
You know all them other lame ass brothers
Who think they the shit
Walking around here King Jaffe Joffering it
No job no car no home
But quick to put themselves on a throne
Thank you for being that one
That one who brought me through this fire
You made me look and search for my desires
Thank You Michael for being that one
That stopped me from going to get that gun
To kill all future relationships
Saying don't judge men from other relationships
You picked me up dusted me off and gave me a kiss
At that time I knew I could get through this
Today is Monday and it's a new week
I have a new life and goals to achieve
Thank you for showing me for the past 9 months it wasn't cool
To be sitting around loving a man and playing the fool
You told me to get my self up dust myself off and I am an individual this is your life
I am to intelligent to settle being someone who doesn't deserve Me's wife
There are men in my league and I need to stop dating downwards
I Thank You for helping me look forwards
This is dedicated tor
Thanks boo
Thank you for holding me through all my tears
Thank you for helping me get through all my fears
Thank you for the years of being there for me
No walls are up when you are around me
You never make me blue
When I need you I know you will be there for me and I will be there for you
What we have is more then what either one of us realize
In three years you never lied to me
For that I want to say thank you
I almost lost you once but I wont make that mistake again
When you told me we wasn't going to be friends anymore it hurt
When I had to make that choice I already knew what it was going to be
You already knew and so did he that the choice was always you
Thank you for putting up with my smart ass attitude
Thank you for putting up with everything the past couple of months
Most men would of walked but you stayed and for that I have mad love
I am writing this because this is how I really feel
When I am with you I feel no pain
All I know is I am getting a gain
I can be honest with you about everything
And never be judged or put in a ring
To fight out the battles of my past
Never put into a situation where I can't leave when I want
Being with you I don't have to put on a front
Thank you for letting me be me
You made me open my eyes and see
The world for what it is
You made me realize I was playing the fool
You let me know when I did something that wasn't cool
You let me know when I am wrong
Friends or Lovers I don't know if I could make it if you were gone
Out of my life
No one is going to make me drop you
Not when we are stuck together like glue
We talk everyday and every night
I talk more to you then some husbands talk to there wives
We have disagreements but at the end of the day nothing matters
Thank you for washing me when I am stressed
Thank you for being there on the special days when no one else wasn't
With you by my side anything is possible
Thank you for making me believe in myself
Thank you for calling out other men's bull crap when I don't see it
I always say you have hater in your game
But you realize the dudes I been dealing with are lame
You always said I deserve better
You always said what is it about these weak men
You quick to point out when a man is playing me for a sucka
Then the other man is saying shorty you need to get rid of this motherfucka
Thank you for letting me have a brighter Monday
I used to call you the other man
When you been first for a long time now
Being here but so damn quite
We no longer have to fight it
Thank you is all I can say for everything
I know how much you care about me and we don't need to buy rings
I am not asking you to marry me and your not asking me to marry you
I've never been the fall back chick when it came to you
I've never questioned your manhood
Through the years its always been good
I've never questioned your loyalty
Because you treat me like royalty
You have my respect unlike some others
You know all them other lame ass brothers
Who think they the shit
Walking around here King Jaffe Joffering it
No job no car no home
But quick to put themselves on a throne
Thank you for being that one
That one who brought me through this fire
You made me look and search for my desires
Thank You Michael for being that one
That stopped me from going to get that gun
To kill all future relationships
Saying don't judge men from other relationships
You picked me up dusted me off and gave me a kiss
At that time I knew I could get through this
Today is Monday and it's a new week
I have a new life and goals to achieve
Thank you for showing me for the past 9 months it wasn't cool
To be sitting around loving a man and playing the fool
You told me to get my self up dust myself off and I am an individual this is your life
I am to intelligent to settle being someone who doesn't deserve Me's wife
There are men in my league and I need to stop dating downwards
I Thank You for helping me look forwards
This is dedicated tor
Thanks boo
My reading
Today's reading is right on point, what I have been wanting from a man has been in front of me for a very long time. I just havent been able to see it, now the question is what do I do with it?

Card 1 (Wheel Of Fortune) : How you feel about yourself now »
Perhaps you feel due for a bit of good luck or indeed are experiencing some at the moment. The Wheel of Fortune is a card of destiny. What is happening now we could call fate, so if positive things are happening with your love life, career or finances this is no coincidence. If no such things are happening, expect a sudden change in fortune.Card 2 (The Magician) : What you most want at this moment »
What you most want is a new love in your life, and when The Magician appears, a new love affair or perhaps a rekindled affair is at hand. All things new are possible, the result is up to you - its all dependent on just how much you want it.Card 3 (The Hermit) : Your fears »
You are frightened of being on your own and loneliness, and you simply don't know quite what to do. Take time to relax and in time you will have the answers. The Hermit signals a warning not to make hasty decisions, so try not to get too stressed, and if you have been unwell this is a time for rest and recuperation.Card 4 (The Hanged Man) : What is going for you »
With patience this passive time, this time of feeling in limbo and indecision, will pass. You will know what decisions to make, what or who to let go of and how to move on. Whatever self-sacrifice you have to make you will feel a better and stronger person for it.Card 5 (The Hierophant) : What is going against you »
You are simply struggling to conform to others expectations of you and everybody has an opinion of what you should do. Perhaps you are having a crisis of faith and are unsettled at a very spiritual level. Ask yourself who you really are? What is important to you? What makes you happy? Seek out advice or wise counsel if you wish, but accepting who you really are and going after what you want instead of what others want for you is the most important.Card 6 (The High Priestess) : Outcome »
Your intuitive powers are at their height at this moment in time; only by listening carefully and trusting them completely can you embrace that power. Do this and you will make strong, clear, self-assured decisions. Allow for flexibility and expect promising outcomes.-Gm everyone
I know I said I wasn't going to blog for awhile but I had to put this out there. Yes' it's 5:47am and last night was very interesting. This is more for the men then anything a bit of advice. We as women don't ask much when it comes to you men. Well I don't ask for much. LOL 1) Put the toilet seat down when you are done 2) Don't leave shaved hair in my sink 3) Don't finish before me LOL 4)When you use something put it back where you got it from. Last night I was up fussing with this man because I was going to wash my towel that he uses all the time. I know it sounds petty but we were going at it for a min about a towel. I was like look it's not that hard if you don't want me to wash it but it back in your spot and I wont wash it. If the towel is left at the bottom of my bed on my foot board it will be washed. This discussion was a battle back and forth on who was going to get the last word. Now he gets up about 15 mins ago to go to work he leaves and before he leaves YES I say it put your towel in the closet. And guess what HE DID IT WOW.....All that mess last night and this morning and he did it. LOL I swear I hit him with the pillow last night because he wouldn't let this towel thing go. I am just glad we got to the end of that one and the towel is in the closet so it wont be washed this time around. He calls me a compulsive washer and it's funny because I do wash clothes once a week. I can honestly say I was cracking up the whole time we were fussing about this towel, I even throw a pillow at him and told him go take his shower and quit acting like an Asshole. I think that's why we get along so well 2 assholes together makes for a happy situation. LOL...But of course I GOT THE LAST WORD...it was hard but I did. I am telling you for you to be holding me and me and you are having an argument about my towel which is his towel now it's funny it's just two much. Oh and he's no push over when it comes to getting his point across. But I think he was doing it because he saw I was about to pull my hair out. I was in pain last night from working out and he rubbed my shoulders it felt good. It felt great to fall asleep in your arms even though you hit me with the pillow. LOL...I can honestly say I am happy everyone. No fighting no screaming no yelling. Just play fighting and great yes I said great bed room time. Dre I think your ass went to see the Royal Rumble last night and got a little two involved with the wrestling and came back here just to play with me but we all good. Well time to get me some more rest don't want puff eyes during my interview process today. Have a good time at work, spit all that's been going on this weekend with my family I can always bet on you making me smile can't wait to go to Atlantic City with you on Valentines Day weekend...Love you TTYL
Sunday, January 29, 2012
1+1 lyrics
If I aint got nothing, I got you
If I aint got something I don't give a damn, cause I got it with you
I don't know much about algebra, but I know one plus one equals two
And it's me and you, thats all we'll have when the world is thru
Cause baby we aint got nothing without love
Darling you got enough for the both of us
So come on baby, make love to me
When my days look low, pull me in close and don't let me go.
Make love to me. So that when the worlds at war, that our love heal us all
Right now baby make love to me...me...me...mee...mee. ooh ooh make love to me.
Hey! I don't know much about guns but I...I've been shot by you
Hey! And I don't know when I'm gon die, but I hope that I'm gon die by you
Hey! And I don't know much about fighting, but I, I know I will fight for you
Hey! Just when I ball up my fist I realize that I'm laying right next to you
Baby we aint nothing but love, and darling you got enough for the both of us
Make love to me...when my days look low, pull me in close and don't let me go.
Make love to me...so that when the worlds at war, that our love heal us all
Help me let down my guard, make love to me…me..me….me..meee ooh ooh ooh make love to me...me...me...mee...mee
If I aint got something I don't give a damn, cause I got it with you
I don't know much about algebra, but I know one plus one equals two
And it's me and you, thats all we'll have when the world is thru
Cause baby we aint got nothing without love
Darling you got enough for the both of us
So come on baby, make love to me
When my days look low, pull me in close and don't let me go.
Make love to me. So that when the worlds at war, that our love heal us all
Right now baby make love to me...me...me...mee...mee. ooh ooh make love to me.
Hey! I don't know much about guns but I...I've been shot by you
Hey! And I don't know when I'm gon die, but I hope that I'm gon die by you
Hey! And I don't know much about fighting, but I, I know I will fight for you
Hey! Just when I ball up my fist I realize that I'm laying right next to you
Baby we aint nothing but love, and darling you got enough for the both of us
Make love to me...when my days look low, pull me in close and don't let me go.
Make love to me...so that when the worlds at war, that our love heal us all
Help me let down my guard, make love to me…me..me….me..meee ooh ooh ooh make love to me...me...me...mee...mee
My reading for the day
Card 1 (The Emperor) : How you feel about yourself now »
You feel that success and achievement are on their way to you. A man of significance will provide his support, perhaps your father, husband/partner or boss - whoever it is, he will give you steady support. You feel confident and able to influence people and events, as you have a great sense of your own authority. Expect promotion at work or achieving greater status in life. If you have been a victim of ill will be assured that you will win in the end.Card 2 (The Tower) : What you most want at this moment »
The cards suggest that what you most want at this time is an easy solution to a problem. However in life, turmoil and upheaval often brings about change - just not quite as we would like it. Seize this opportunity of change as a chance for a new beginning. You may want to move home but will be experiencing setbacks.Card 3 (The Devil) : Your fears »
You are afraid that it's out of control, you simply cannot resist this passionate attraction. Despite the fact its addictive and unlikely to be right, you just can't stop yourself. Whatever it is, a passion for someone who's not good for you, money deals that are too good to be true or any other kind of temptation, try to resist, as it is unlikely to have a positive outcome. If you're feeling low in self-belief and self worth and doubt your abilities, don't, have more confidence - its not too late to change direction.Card 4 (Judgement) : What is going for you »
Brand new potential, an opportunity which once given must not be ignored, a new project, decision or relationship that could affect the rest of your life. You will enjoy success and enjoyment for past efforts, events will pick up a pace and the outcome will be quicker than expected.Card 5 (Strength) : What is going against you »
Your negativity and lack of self control are your real enemies. If you are finding certain addictions in your life are taking a hold, be it smoking or drinking for example, look inward for you hearts true strength and self-belief. Change your attitude and be positive and you will reap great rewards.Card 6 (The Magician) : Outcome »
A time of positive action with great potential, you are full of self-belief and feeling very empowered. It's time to show everyone exactly what you're made of. You will have the ability to think on your feet and The Magician is an excellent omen for success.Saturday, January 28, 2012
My decision
I have come to the conclusion that I might stop blogging for a little while, like for a month or so. I need to get back in the real world. This mess has become addicting , I have my own reasons to stop blogging, one is to move on with my life. My blog has been focused around what happened in my last relationships and whats going on in my current friendship/relationship whatever you want to call it. After getting the news about my Aunt I have decided to spend time with my family and friends. I have something special right in front of my face and being on this blog is the wrong way to tell someone how you feel about them. I will be back in a couple of months. I came to a realization I have been blogging about what's been going on in my personal life, like what's going on in my bed and all that to be ignorant. It's not because I want Dre to know I am talking or thinking about him because he's here sometimes when I am blogging. It's because I wanted to be an asshole and throw it in certain peoples faces that I am moving on with my life. But it's no reason for me to do that, what I am do from now on is like he said "It's his time and I shouldn't be blogging on his time." He knows I am thinking about him and talking about him to my girl friends, all I have to do is text him and say I need you and he's here . So no need to talk to him through my blog to me that's getting old. Time for me to turn over look him in his face and talk to him or pick up the phone and talk to him or text him either way my message will get to him. I have noticed in the past couple of days my I am happy but I have been a bit bitter about stuff, the only way for me to move on from that bitterness is to leave that previous relationship right where it is in the past. I won't be able to look at what's in front of me if I keep looking at what's behind me. I had some fun times this past couple of years I will always remember them but I can't keep living in them. This blog is a way for me to keep the past and i am leaving the past in the past. I have to much ahead of me to keep looking back and wondering where things went wrong. He is happy and he's not thinking about me so no need for me to keep throwing what I am doing in his face not even knowing if he's reading it. It's not fair to Dre, what me and him do and where me and him are going is no one's business but mines and his. I will say he is no Dyshaun and I will not judge him for any mistakes made from my past. We are friends and our friendship comes first before anything. Yes I love him, yes I have feeling for him more then friendship, but at the end of the day I am protecting our friendship. I am not jumping into a rebound relationship for anything, if me and him end up together then that's what it will be if we decide to remain friends it's no ones business but ours. He has my back 100% and that's all I ask from him. As for tonight it's shots and Madden haven't did that in awhile and I am see what comes out of our mouths tonight.
This thing with my aunt is hitting me hard, and I have to get the courage to go up to this hospital and see her hooked up to all these machines and not looking like her self. That's my family and it hurts to lose someone so close to you. I will continue to keep you guys posted on my weight loss progress and my daily readings but as far as me blogging about what's going on with me I will let you guys know where I am in a couple of months like 5-6 months from now. I wont be looking at anyone else blog or anything. If you are not on my facebook, twitter, or you know me personal then you will get the update when I re post. TTYL
This thing with my aunt is hitting me hard, and I have to get the courage to go up to this hospital and see her hooked up to all these machines and not looking like her self. That's my family and it hurts to lose someone so close to you. I will continue to keep you guys posted on my weight loss progress and my daily readings but as far as me blogging about what's going on with me I will let you guys know where I am in a couple of months like 5-6 months from now. I wont be looking at anyone else blog or anything. If you are not on my facebook, twitter, or you know me personal then you will get the update when I re post. TTYL
My daily reading
Card 1 (Death) : How you feel about yourself now »
Perhaps you feel that everything as you have known it is falling apart. Unexpected changes and turmoil, end of a job, end of a career, divorce or end of a relationship, recovering from a bereavement or fear of bereavement. Try not to worry too much, this time of absolute endings heralds a brand new beginning, a period of great transformation.Card 2 (The Hierophant) : What you most want at this moment »
The cards suggest that what you most want at this time is to have someone around you that you can trust and confide in, knowing that they won't let you down. There are moral issues here, knowing right from wrong, and you may feel that you need some advice or wise counsel from a teacher, priest, parent or someone you have a lot of respect for, in order to help you make the right decision.Card 3 (The Lovers) : Your fears »
Ones heart is ruling ones head! You are so afraid of being hurt you are paralysed into non-action. To have or not to have? To stay or to go? Throw caution to the wind, great happiness awaits you if you can trust what you feel and ignore the fear and do it anyway.Card 4 (Strength) : What is going for you »
Brave heart! Your self-confidence and courageous spirit is unstoppable at the moment. Be patient and compassionate, self-disciplined and strong and you will reap great rewards for your courage.Card 5 (The Fool) : What is going against you »
This is your Personal Court Card ( - what's this? - )
Beware of impetuous and impulsive decisions, they could cost you dear. Draw on your knowledge and experience, perhaps there are naive and immature beliefs behind your current desires. Are you looking to move onwards and upwards or run away? Look before you leap, you don't want to appear the fool do you?Card 6 (Wheel Of Fortune) : Outcome »
Expect life to change and quickly. Fate, destiny or synchronicity, call it what you like, positive change and good fortune is evident here. If you have important choices to make trust your intuition. Do you feel that events seem to be evolving without much input from you? If so trust it and go with the flow.Good morning
Well it's Saturday morning and I am up bright and early. It's nice outside and I am up doing my paper. I am going to see my aunt in the hospital today for a little bit then I am going to take the kids to the park or the harbor maybe the park the harbor is to crowded on the weekends. I had a good night sleep and what's funny I woke up at 2:30am not because my phone rang at 2:08 but I just woke up looked at my phone and we all know who called me at 2:08. I called him back and it was a very funny conversation at 2 in the morning. It was cute playing like he was someone asking me could he come over was it to late. That was 2 funny. Then we fell asleep on each other like two kids in high school.
I have some unresolved feelings about what's going on between us, like you said we have been doing this for a min and one of us was bound to catch feelings and guess what? I am starting to fall, like you are or have and just wont tell me. Your pride is to much but please believe I already knows. I just can't wait until our hotel date that's going to be a fun date. But we always have fun when we are together I can honestly say that.
Last night I did my hair and I combed it out and my hair is really growing back. I want to hit the gym this morning but I have this paper and I am going to the hospital to see my aunt and spend time with my family for a while. I might just chill there for awhile and let the kids play out back at my cousins. I am seriously not trying to put any more gas into that truck right now. Not until Tuesday or Wednesday. I put $32 in my truck and it put me to half a tank which means 64-65 would of filled me up and I just wasn't trying to spend that right now.
I woke up this morning and I finally figured out what I am going to do as fair as my own business. I am seriously thinking about opening up my own Towing and Recovering company. I have been juggling with this idea for awhile. I am going to buy me a couple of trucks and hire some drivers, get contracts from car loan companies and do Towing for people who need Triple A and Recovery for people who haven't paid their car payment. I have been looking into it and I just have to get bonded and get the start money to start the company. Once I do this and open this business I will eventually open my own constructing company or my own school for CDL's. These things have nothing to do with my undergraduate degree but my Masters is in Business and Marketing so I know how to market my company and get contracts from different companies to fuel my business. Plus my Non-Profit so I am be a busy successful women. Those are my goals and now it's time for my reading which I will be sharing with everyone again. Well time to finish this paper and my presentation. TTYL
I have some unresolved feelings about what's going on between us, like you said we have been doing this for a min and one of us was bound to catch feelings and guess what? I am starting to fall, like you are or have and just wont tell me. Your pride is to much but please believe I already knows. I just can't wait until our hotel date that's going to be a fun date. But we always have fun when we are together I can honestly say that.
Last night I did my hair and I combed it out and my hair is really growing back. I want to hit the gym this morning but I have this paper and I am going to the hospital to see my aunt and spend time with my family for a while. I might just chill there for awhile and let the kids play out back at my cousins. I am seriously not trying to put any more gas into that truck right now. Not until Tuesday or Wednesday. I put $32 in my truck and it put me to half a tank which means 64-65 would of filled me up and I just wasn't trying to spend that right now.
I woke up this morning and I finally figured out what I am going to do as fair as my own business. I am seriously thinking about opening up my own Towing and Recovering company. I have been juggling with this idea for awhile. I am going to buy me a couple of trucks and hire some drivers, get contracts from car loan companies and do Towing for people who need Triple A and Recovery for people who haven't paid their car payment. I have been looking into it and I just have to get bonded and get the start money to start the company. Once I do this and open this business I will eventually open my own constructing company or my own school for CDL's. These things have nothing to do with my undergraduate degree but my Masters is in Business and Marketing so I know how to market my company and get contracts from different companies to fuel my business. Plus my Non-Profit so I am be a busy successful women. Those are my goals and now it's time for my reading which I will be sharing with everyone again. Well time to finish this paper and my presentation. TTYL
Friday, January 27, 2012
I swear
I swear when something good is happening there is always bad around the corner. Everyone knows my uncle passed away in September and now my aunt is not doing well at all. She has been in and out the nursing home and the hospitals. I don't know how much more loss this family can take in such a small amount of time. I was going to hang out with my girlfriend tomorrow but I need to get up to University to see my aunt. I know I have to be there for my cousin she is just going through it right now. I know my aunt is tired and she just wants the pain to stop but if she passes away I believe my cousin will be lost for a bit. So if you are reading this please pray for my family and I will keep you updated. It pains me to been able to see her when she was health and running around and to look at her and see what has happened to her. She has been in and out the woods before, we thought she wasn't going to make it last time she was in the hospital when me and my X went up to see her. But she pulled through it, my mom is telling me she's saying she is tired, and the Doctors at the hospital don't think she is going to make it much longer. No one knows when she is leaving this earth but the good Lord. Since I never got to say goodbye to my uncle or either one of my grandmothers because I was so caught up in my own life I am not going to make that mistake again. Tomorrow I am going to see my aunt with the kids, just in case she doesn't make it I would of been able to say goodbye. We are a close family so although it's not a shocker it still is a hard pill to swallow when the Dr. comes and tells you she is low and they not giving her that much of a chance at all. Now is the time we as a family need to pull together and put all our differences aside. I just might call my brother life is to short to play these petty kid games. Only thing that matters in the end is life and it's going to pass you by weather you do right by it or not. I haven't talked to my brother in over 10 years and it would kill me if he passed away and I was to stubborn to talk to him. I love my aunt and it will hurt me if she passes away but I am going to prepare myself for it. TTYL
Sharing my tarot Card reading
Card 1 (Judgement) : How you feel about yourself now »
You feel this is an end to an era or at least a certain phase of your life - you are taking stock and looking where you want to go from here. This ending is not one for regret but for rejoicing. Soon you will enjoy the rewards for your past efforts. As with any period of endings, many opportunities will present themselves and the choice that you make will have far reaching implications that could change your life dramatically. Any legal issues should be ruled in your favour.Card 2 (Justice) : What you most want at this moment »
The cards suggest that what you most want at this time is for a fair and right outcome whether it concerns relationships or business affairs. You feel that you are in the right and that any decision or agreement to be made should be in your favour.Card 3 (Strength) : Your fears »
You are fearful of lacking the will power and strength to deal with someone or something that concerns you. Feeling negative and listening to all your fears will only cause failure and lost opportunities. Be as brave as a lion but work compassionately and you'll be fine.Card 4 (The Devil) : What is going for you »
There's a possibility of permanence here. If you're considering a commitment in a relationship or marriage this is a good sign. However question your motives because here we have temptation and addiction, and a desire to be controlled or controlling. So use your intuition and if you recognise what you feel as sincere, great, if not you still have a chance to change direction. If considering giving up a bad habit, such as smoking or drinking for example, now is a good time to start.Card 5 (The Hermit) : What is going against you »
You are at risk of doing something hasty out of impatience and rage. This is not a time for irrational and impulsive behaviour - don't be cantankerous (if closer to old than young!) or arrogant and resentful (if closer to young than old!) Try and remain calm and let the rage go, take time to make a cool and collected decision. The Hermit signals a warning not to make hasty decisions.Card 6 (The Hierophant) : Outcome »
Help is at hand. If you want wise counsel and moral guidance put your trust in someone you have a lot of respect for. Don't allow others to influence you too much with what they want you to conform to, be true to yourself. When considering your options go with tried and tested traditional values, rather than the unconventional novel approach. For example marriage is more likely to be your desire than a living together situation.Thought I would share my reading with everyone...It helps me get through the day sometimes.
Plans for today
Kids are gone now it's time for me to get myself together and hit the gym. Yes I am going to the gym, got to get in shape for my cruise that I will be putting the deposit down later today!!!!!!!!!!!Yes I said later today. Everything is working out for me right now, my kids new beds will be here Monday or Tuesday, I am going on vacation to Hawaii in October on a 15 day cruise. I got my health, my truck, family is good, and next week I will be going back to work. I am so excited for myself it's not even funny. I will be busy this weekend so I might not be on my blog spot this weekend I have so much running around to do. But I am celebrate this weekend after all my work is done with a bottle of tequila and some pineapple juice. This will be my last weekend sitting in this house I know that. I don't care what I have to do I will not be in this house unless my funds are low. I am not going to say broke because I never say broke. Time for my tarot card reading and read my horoscope to see where my moons are and what to expect for the rest of day. I know people see those things as useless but I see them as helpful. I am buy me some cable wire so I can move my TV to the other side of the room. Since I am not stressing my hair is growing back so it's time for me to go get my weave and put the lace fronts back in the closet. So time to hit the gym TTYL...I LOVE MYSELF AND THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS I DON'T NEED NO ONE TO TELL ME THEY LOVE ME AS LONG AS I LOVE MYSELF I AM GOOD
GM Everyone TGIF
It's 6:24am man I am not used to being up this early but I am up watching TV. I got woke up in the nice way this morning, being held all night feeling safe and warm is the best way to sleep and wake up. You know I could get used to this; falling asleep in each others arms is something I am not used to. You know my last relationship I never got held in the middle of the night unless he was trying to get some but that's not the case now. Plus this isn't a relationship we really good friends so what's that tell you. I get held by a friend more then my own man at the time so no wonder I went and did me. My best friend cracks me up she is on the band wagon for me and him to be together and it's to funny. she says me and him need to stop playing games and just be with each other. I look at her like she good and crazy. He gone to work now so I now I am still up. It is freezing right now I had to turn off both fans, the body heat is gone for right now. Man it's so peaceful now that I have a new number no unwanted phone calls telemarketers, bill collectors, and unwanted people who don't realize they are unwanted. Now if I wanted to go back to sleep I couldn't my neighbors have someone knocking on there door at 6:27am. Man don't anyone in that damn house have a phone. Well retraction on the last comment that wasn't my neighbors that was my door. LOL People forgetting cell phones. Well next week I am going home to hang with my family go see the new baby. I need to be around my girls and have a great weekend. This weekend is work weekend. It's a shame I am not going out of town this weekend. I am glad January is almost over this month has flew past. It's a leap year this year so February has 29 days. Now I have to figure out what to do for my sons 10th birthday. I have no clue what to do for him, I am let his fathers peoples figure that out. But you know I am not putting 100% into that so you know me I got my plan B of course.
I can't believe I am up at 6:30am watching Friday after Next. I am sitting in my bed rapped up in my blanket blogging and complaing about my neighbors having people banging this early, and like I said it was funny because it was my damn door. I was like who the hell. I don't know what I am getting into this morning after the kids get off to school. I know I am starving but my stomach is moving every which way this morning. So no food right now. Sometimes I wish I had the money to just pick up and leave for a week or so. Just take the kids fill the truck up and go on a peaceful vacation. But you know what since I changed my number I can say what I want in my blog and not have to worry about no one calling me saying why you write this and why you write that. I don't have to fake the funk anymore about who I am writing about in my blog and who I am not writing about. The people I write about in my Blog know who they are and know what part they play in my blog. So no need for me to be playing the clarification role, happy I don't have to babysit peoples feelings thinking they might just off a bridge and shit.
I need to go get me some more Advil for my back. I am telling you my back is burning at the bottom. It keeps me up on and off throughout the night, feels like hornets are stinging me in my lower back.All these pillows are helping though. Plus having him rub my back when it hurts helps also. I can't wait to get this job get me some better insurance and go find out what's making my back hurt. I need to have a breast reduction that might be the problem. I am get one to when I get my insurance from the job. This weekend is my sons fathers weekend to get him but of course he not coming to get him until next weekend. Which works out for me because I am trying to be gone next weekend. Well time for me to get myself together TTYL...
I can't believe I am up at 6:30am watching Friday after Next. I am sitting in my bed rapped up in my blanket blogging and complaing about my neighbors having people banging this early, and like I said it was funny because it was my damn door. I was like who the hell. I don't know what I am getting into this morning after the kids get off to school. I know I am starving but my stomach is moving every which way this morning. So no food right now. Sometimes I wish I had the money to just pick up and leave for a week or so. Just take the kids fill the truck up and go on a peaceful vacation. But you know what since I changed my number I can say what I want in my blog and not have to worry about no one calling me saying why you write this and why you write that. I don't have to fake the funk anymore about who I am writing about in my blog and who I am not writing about. The people I write about in my Blog know who they are and know what part they play in my blog. So no need for me to be playing the clarification role, happy I don't have to babysit peoples feelings thinking they might just off a bridge and shit.
I need to go get me some more Advil for my back. I am telling you my back is burning at the bottom. It keeps me up on and off throughout the night, feels like hornets are stinging me in my lower back.All these pillows are helping though. Plus having him rub my back when it hurts helps also. I can't wait to get this job get me some better insurance and go find out what's making my back hurt. I need to have a breast reduction that might be the problem. I am get one to when I get my insurance from the job. This weekend is my sons fathers weekend to get him but of course he not coming to get him until next weekend. Which works out for me because I am trying to be gone next weekend. Well time for me to get myself together TTYL...
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Being a mom
I love being a mom I know I complain about my kids all the time but I love being a mom wouldn't trade it in for nothing. My kids depend on me for everything. When I am feeling down my babies give me a pick me up. Being a mom is a hard job you have to raise the kids and the man if you have one. LOL I am my kids mother and father that's why it's not important that a man is there for them. I give them enough love for both parents. My oldest son will be spending weekends with his dad starting this weekend I believe and I am happy for that. My oldest will be 10 this year so it's a good thing he's spending time with his dad. My girls are daddies lil girls like most little girls. Daddy can't do no wrong. I don't bad mouth there dads in front of them no need for that the kids see that I am mommy and daddy.
I feel like a real mom when my girls bring me a book to read to them for bed time, or when my oldest son tells me he loves me and gives me a hug, or my baby boy gets in my lap and falls asleep. Those are the times we as parents can't get back. Being there for your kids while they are little means they will be there for you when they get older. I am trying to plan them a big family vacation this summer. I think my oldest sons aunt is planning a Disney vacation for all the kids. So I am call her to see what that's about. With or without a man or their dad's I will give my kids one hell of a childhood. We have a vehicle now so please believe when the summer comes we wont be in the house. I don't live that far from Six Flags or Kings Dominion so me and my best friend and her kids will go to the water parks and have a blast. My kids are old enough to hit the go cart riding and paint balling. I am buying a paint ball gun soon and get my kids paint ball guns. I grew up playing paint ball and riding four wheelers, having a bunch of child hood friends that I am still in contact with.
I will never say I am the perfect mom but I am perfect in my kids eyes and that's all that matters to me. I am starting my Non-Profit for at risk youth and I don't want my kids to be at risk because I am not paying attention to them, or because I have my head rapped up into some dysfunctional relationship. I am my kids role model and I will make sure they know when it comes to relationship don't pay attention to sales men or sales women part get to know that person and you will see what type of person they really are. I want to be my kids friend but I am there mom first. Well lets see I think it's time for me to run their company back home and get them ready for school tomorrow and then get ready for my own company later on. Kiss kiss TTYL
I feel like a real mom when my girls bring me a book to read to them for bed time, or when my oldest son tells me he loves me and gives me a hug, or my baby boy gets in my lap and falls asleep. Those are the times we as parents can't get back. Being there for your kids while they are little means they will be there for you when they get older. I am trying to plan them a big family vacation this summer. I think my oldest sons aunt is planning a Disney vacation for all the kids. So I am call her to see what that's about. With or without a man or their dad's I will give my kids one hell of a childhood. We have a vehicle now so please believe when the summer comes we wont be in the house. I don't live that far from Six Flags or Kings Dominion so me and my best friend and her kids will go to the water parks and have a blast. My kids are old enough to hit the go cart riding and paint balling. I am buying a paint ball gun soon and get my kids paint ball guns. I grew up playing paint ball and riding four wheelers, having a bunch of child hood friends that I am still in contact with.
I will never say I am the perfect mom but I am perfect in my kids eyes and that's all that matters to me. I am starting my Non-Profit for at risk youth and I don't want my kids to be at risk because I am not paying attention to them, or because I have my head rapped up into some dysfunctional relationship. I am my kids role model and I will make sure they know when it comes to relationship don't pay attention to sales men or sales women part get to know that person and you will see what type of person they really are. I want to be my kids friend but I am there mom first. Well lets see I think it's time for me to run their company back home and get them ready for school tomorrow and then get ready for my own company later on. Kiss kiss TTYL
Today has been a good day
Just got back in the house went to Red Lobster for lunch the food was alright. Went to Macy's and did me some shopping. I had me a great afternoon with my girl friend. Me and my homegirl are living it up for right now until I go back to work soon then it's the end of my day time fun. Then I am have to have me some night time fun when the kids are gone. I stopped by my friends house haven't seen him in over a year and guess what this negro was knocked out sleep. Which is OK he works at night so he gets a pass. I am tell you something funny the whole time we were at Red Lobster I didn't get any orders for food, as soon as I get on 695 headed home guess who text me....We all know it "Yo get me some cheese biscuits". Man you late I am almost home, maybe we can run out there and get some later or tomorrow. Go out White Marsh hell I want me some Cold Stones yea yea yea yea me and my sweet tooth I already know what you going to say don't bother texting me. I feel so good it's not even funny, it's raining i am cleaning up my house and I have left the past behind me 100%. I bet you guys are going to get a kick out of this one. I have had the same phone number since 2004 not anymore I went to Sprint this morning and changed my number. Not because of what's been going on, I changed it because it's time for me to let go all the past and let go all the mess that's been going on. 2012 is new and I have higher standards now and I don't want none of them old jokes calling me. If you got a text from me saying "Yo this is Myeika and this is my new number" then you are lucky to be included in my circle. Everyone who has the new number is drama free and people I can trust.
I know I can't wait for Valentines Day weekend, get my all pink roses and go out of town for my cake. Headed to NJ to get me some cake from Buddy and then spending the weekend in Atlantic City or maybe just go straight to NY. Next couple of weeks the deposit will be put down on the cruise and the ski trip to Poconos. I am just doing me this year. Plus I am looking to buy my house soon and live a peaceful life. I am pay my truck off this year hopefully and buy me another car. I swear the only drama I want in my life is watching Jerry Springer.
Me and my homegirl were talking about having standards and what our standards where. It was funny I told her I had to upgrade my standards or I would be dealing with the same bullshit and I am not about to let my girls believe it's ok to be with a man who can't help you.
My Standards
1) Must work
2) Must drive
3) Must have own place
4)Must have some goals out of life
5) Be a man and be able to handle his business
6)Be able to fix stuff
7)Smell good
That's not asking that much I don't think so. I can deal with you not having your own place but you must have your own car. You can not have neither, I have my own place, car, job, career, goals, and I can fix stuff when I want to. So He must be bringing just as much or if not more to the table. Call me picky call me a gold digger but call me Myeika at the end of the day. This is who I am, I am back to the way I used to be when I was picking me when I had children. You see they might be jerks but I can live off my child support. I can't do it no more and I am not about to....FYI you don't have any of these qualities don't hit me up. I am not going to say you need to change, hell no when you 29+ you to old to change. Either you got it or you don't. I am telling you guys I am smiling from ear to ear like Beyonce'. Perfect example just got a text message from a friend of mines stating "Wanna go to the Cheese Cake Factory tomorrow or next week for lunch sorry I missed your call." Works for UPS supervisor. I don't have to bring nothing but my ID to get a martini. That right there will get you feedback. Not Yo lets go out and eat and I will hit you up when I get it. Hell no call me when you got it. Deuces. I bet if you say hey " Let's go to the Gaylord in DC and hit Ruth Chris for dinner and I will give you some next week." That's a 3-400 dollar night date he going to look at you like you crazy. I am doing the same thing. I need to hit Mac and get me some liquid eyeliner. I will get some when I go to the Cheese Cake Factory.
I can honstely say he has done alot to make my room a comfortable place, HDMI cord makes my TV look perfect, the cord for my Xbox so my batteries can go to better use, and the pillows on the bed. They are actually for him when he's here so he don't have to use mines but hey while he's at work everything is fair game. LOL Next thing I am waiting to find is boxers in my wash. LOLLOL Hell I put in enough work to get something. LOL that right there is going to get me laid out but oh well I know how to shut him up. He will text me after he reads this and say something smart I am waiting on that one.Tomorrow I am going over west and chill with my boy and then I am going to buy some more candles from Yankee and come home and chill for the weekend. Didn't have any weekend fun this past weekend until Sunday night. So Friday, Saturday, and maybe Sunday I am be lets say unable to hold a conversation. LOL alright peoples I am out...TTYL
Oh yea I been reading some peoples blogs and they never hit the spell check button...If you want people to know what you are saying the spell check button is the last button on the right at the top that says's ABC with a check mark. I hate going through peoples blogs and seeing a bunch of spelling errors or no capital letters after a period. Makes me think you dropped out of school or just can't read. I don't know I read several blogs a day from all different people just thought I would through that out there. KISS KISS
I know I can't wait for Valentines Day weekend, get my all pink roses and go out of town for my cake. Headed to NJ to get me some cake from Buddy and then spending the weekend in Atlantic City or maybe just go straight to NY. Next couple of weeks the deposit will be put down on the cruise and the ski trip to Poconos. I am just doing me this year. Plus I am looking to buy my house soon and live a peaceful life. I am pay my truck off this year hopefully and buy me another car. I swear the only drama I want in my life is watching Jerry Springer.
Me and my homegirl were talking about having standards and what our standards where. It was funny I told her I had to upgrade my standards or I would be dealing with the same bullshit and I am not about to let my girls believe it's ok to be with a man who can't help you.
My Standards
1) Must work
2) Must drive
3) Must have own place
4)Must have some goals out of life
5) Be a man and be able to handle his business
6)Be able to fix stuff
7)Smell good
That's not asking that much I don't think so. I can deal with you not having your own place but you must have your own car. You can not have neither, I have my own place, car, job, career, goals, and I can fix stuff when I want to. So He must be bringing just as much or if not more to the table. Call me picky call me a gold digger but call me Myeika at the end of the day. This is who I am, I am back to the way I used to be when I was picking me when I had children. You see they might be jerks but I can live off my child support. I can't do it no more and I am not about to....FYI you don't have any of these qualities don't hit me up. I am not going to say you need to change, hell no when you 29+ you to old to change. Either you got it or you don't. I am telling you guys I am smiling from ear to ear like Beyonce'. Perfect example just got a text message from a friend of mines stating "Wanna go to the Cheese Cake Factory tomorrow or next week for lunch sorry I missed your call." Works for UPS supervisor. I don't have to bring nothing but my ID to get a martini. That right there will get you feedback. Not Yo lets go out and eat and I will hit you up when I get it. Hell no call me when you got it. Deuces. I bet if you say hey " Let's go to the Gaylord in DC and hit Ruth Chris for dinner and I will give you some next week." That's a 3-400 dollar night date he going to look at you like you crazy. I am doing the same thing. I need to hit Mac and get me some liquid eyeliner. I will get some when I go to the Cheese Cake Factory.
I can honstely say he has done alot to make my room a comfortable place, HDMI cord makes my TV look perfect, the cord for my Xbox so my batteries can go to better use, and the pillows on the bed. They are actually for him when he's here so he don't have to use mines but hey while he's at work everything is fair game. LOL Next thing I am waiting to find is boxers in my wash. LOLLOL Hell I put in enough work to get something. LOL that right there is going to get me laid out but oh well I know how to shut him up. He will text me after he reads this and say something smart I am waiting on that one.Tomorrow I am going over west and chill with my boy and then I am going to buy some more candles from Yankee and come home and chill for the weekend. Didn't have any weekend fun this past weekend until Sunday night. So Friday, Saturday, and maybe Sunday I am be lets say unable to hold a conversation. LOL alright peoples I am out...TTYL
Oh yea I been reading some peoples blogs and they never hit the spell check button...If you want people to know what you are saying the spell check button is the last button on the right at the top that says's ABC with a check mark. I hate going through peoples blogs and seeing a bunch of spelling errors or no capital letters after a period. Makes me think you dropped out of school or just can't read. I don't know I read several blogs a day from all different people just thought I would through that out there. KISS KISS
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
In the best mood
Everything that's happened the past couple of days I got some good news today. I have been accepted to participate in graduation out in Arizona. I am so happy that all my hard work is finally benefiting. I am so proud of myself. It has been a long hard road to get to my Masters but I am finally here and I am not letting no one stop me from getting what I deserve. I can start applying for jobs and moving my career forward. Out of all the stuff I have been through my career is really important to me. My career is in my top 3 I think my career is more important to me then a relationships at times. When I rate things that are most important to me (1) Kids (2) Career (3) Relationships. I know I am be one of them women with my own company and no man. LOL But you know what I think it wouldn't even bother me any. I have goals and I am starting to reach them. I can't wait to get on that plane and go to Phoenix. I am so proud of myself. TTYL I have a 1000 word paper to work on I need to get that done.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
I didn't title this blog because I just didn't feel like it. Tonight I have class and I am not in the mood for it, but I am going to go to class and listen. It's funny one of my friends is trying to hook me up with his homeboy and I clearly keep telling him I don't want to be hooked up but he is assisting. So I am see how this phone conversation goes. I hate blind dates and I am so not ready to jump into anything. I am make that crystal clear when I talk to him later. I am kind of hoping he don't call until tomorrow. This week has been something and tomorrow is only Wednesday. I forgot my oldest daughter has a doctors appointment I had to reschedule that so I am going down to the shore Thursday afternoon for that. Please believe me I really don't want to go but I am going. Tonight I just hope class goes by quick so I can chill and relax. I have decided to start working out a Planet Fitness everyday, that way I can be out the house and get in shape. I know working out will help me deal with this stressful time. Well it's almost time for class. TTYL
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Making a women feel sexy
Making a women feel sexy isn't a hard thing to do
Listen to your her, know her mind, body, and soul
A kiss on the forehead can mean so much during a long day
If you want your women to be happy making her feel sexy will help her stay
Running her bath water, lighting candles just setting the mode right
Making sure there is no drama, no fuss for fight
Rub her feet, massage her back send her mind into flight
Guys there is one thing you always forget tell your women she is beautiful she is sexy it goes along way
Only saying it during sex is hot mess
We shouldn't wonder if we are or guess
We should know every time we wake up every time we go to sleep
Its a confidence that's installed in us
I feel sexy everyday not because I get some everyday but because its been told to me
Sex is a big part of a relationship
But not telling a person they turn you on makes the sex in your relationship just flat out lame
Getting to know each other and making each other feel like they are number 1 in your life
Having that irresistible passion for each other
When you reach them type of heights it's no more to say both of you just know how you feel about each other
I am speaking from experience I have that passion for a certain someone
We cant be around each other without making love its just that tense
He makes me feel like I am the only one when we are together
If you want your women to be just like me then make her feel like she is that special someone
Make her laugh, don't make her cry,
Make her scream from passion, not scream from drama
Do it right and she will always be your lil mama. LOL TTYL
Listen to your her, know her mind, body, and soul
A kiss on the forehead can mean so much during a long day
If you want your women to be happy making her feel sexy will help her stay
Running her bath water, lighting candles just setting the mode right
Making sure there is no drama, no fuss for fight
Rub her feet, massage her back send her mind into flight
Guys there is one thing you always forget tell your women she is beautiful she is sexy it goes along way
Only saying it during sex is hot mess
We shouldn't wonder if we are or guess
We should know every time we wake up every time we go to sleep
Its a confidence that's installed in us
I feel sexy everyday not because I get some everyday but because its been told to me
Sex is a big part of a relationship
But not telling a person they turn you on makes the sex in your relationship just flat out lame
Getting to know each other and making each other feel like they are number 1 in your life
Having that irresistible passion for each other
When you reach them type of heights it's no more to say both of you just know how you feel about each other
I am speaking from experience I have that passion for a certain someone
We cant be around each other without making love its just that tense
He makes me feel like I am the only one when we are together
If you want your women to be just like me then make her feel like she is that special someone
Make her laugh, don't make her cry,
Make her scream from passion, not scream from drama
Do it right and she will always be your lil mama. LOL TTYL
Monday, January 2, 2012
Needs Wants and Desires
I titled this blog 'Needs Wants and Desires" for a reason I am here to explain what the differences are between the words. I have personal needs that I must full fill I have to make sure these needs are met in order for my everyday actives to run smooth. Some men and women think a man or another women falls under the category of Needs, well not to me is doesn't I Want a man but I don't need one. I will not die tomorrow from being single. I need food, clothes, my kids, money, shelter, etc. Those things I need to have a man is a want or a desire.
My wants I want to be successful in my career. I want for my friends and the man I am in a relationship with to get along. See right there that statement has to be a want because if I needed that I would be dead. I want to be honest in my relationship, I want to be held at night and talked to like an adult. I want my privacy and the same respect I give you. These are things I want and when I don't get them hell its not pretty on this end. I am spoiled and stubborn so my wants and needs trump everyone Else's.
Now lets get into the juice my desires. I desire to be held at night and made to feel that I am the only one you want. When you look in my eyes and clearly say you want me and only me, I desire to hear that. When I desire something I will do what I have to in order to get it. I will drive for hours, I will fix what's wrong and make the wrongs right. We have our differences but at the end of the night it doesn't matter it's just me and you with no interruptions. I desire to feel your touch. Having your hands on my body drives me crazy to hot to handle. Having ice cubes is a must when I am with you. Just thinking about it makes me have to run ice on my burning body. I have been asked why I can't walk away, passion is hard to find and I desire to have passion in my bedroom. You want me to walk away fine I will walk away, but you only find passion like that once in a life time. If you don't feel it then we have nothing.
The passion we have drives me to think about being with you in the laundry room on the washing machine, or in the kitchen with no one around. The passion has me thinking about being with you in my room on the floor or on the steps. The passion makes me think about the shower and the oils and gels we use to spice up our relationship. That passion we have is the reason I can't walk away and leave you alone. Like I said I don't need you, I want and desire you. Lets see how much you want and desire me. TTYL
My wants I want to be successful in my career. I want for my friends and the man I am in a relationship with to get along. See right there that statement has to be a want because if I needed that I would be dead. I want to be honest in my relationship, I want to be held at night and talked to like an adult. I want my privacy and the same respect I give you. These are things I want and when I don't get them hell its not pretty on this end. I am spoiled and stubborn so my wants and needs trump everyone Else's.
Now lets get into the juice my desires. I desire to be held at night and made to feel that I am the only one you want. When you look in my eyes and clearly say you want me and only me, I desire to hear that. When I desire something I will do what I have to in order to get it. I will drive for hours, I will fix what's wrong and make the wrongs right. We have our differences but at the end of the night it doesn't matter it's just me and you with no interruptions. I desire to feel your touch. Having your hands on my body drives me crazy to hot to handle. Having ice cubes is a must when I am with you. Just thinking about it makes me have to run ice on my burning body. I have been asked why I can't walk away, passion is hard to find and I desire to have passion in my bedroom. You want me to walk away fine I will walk away, but you only find passion like that once in a life time. If you don't feel it then we have nothing.
The passion we have drives me to think about being with you in the laundry room on the washing machine, or in the kitchen with no one around. The passion has me thinking about being with you in my room on the floor or on the steps. The passion makes me think about the shower and the oils and gels we use to spice up our relationship. That passion we have is the reason I can't walk away and leave you alone. Like I said I don't need you, I want and desire you. Lets see how much you want and desire me. TTYL
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