Sunday, April 8, 2012


Hey everyone I haven' blogged in a min but I haven't forgotten about this blog either. This past weekend was like no other weekend. I spent time with Dre at a beautiful resort and had a blast. Taking time for myself was all I needed to do this weekend. Not having no drama follow me this weekend was a big focus of mines, and with his help we had no drama this weekend. I mean we had a speed bump while at dinner and a movie but it was handled the way it needed to be handled. I don't like people calling me a lire when I clearly didn't turn my phone off. I never turn my phone off. All of the texting and yelling was so uncalled for, this weekend was planned to be peaceful and that's what it was at the end of the night. People say I am not there for them but they fail to realize I was the only one there when they didn't have anyone there for them. But I guess that doesn't count...I am not going to sit back and cry over something or someone that clearly doesn't accept me for who I am. I am not going into detail about the drama that was brought to me this weekend. But please believe I don't have to worry about that mess anymore. It's funny how someone says they are not going to call you but then all they do is call you and text you. Then turn around and say I don't have any time for them. I was on vacation from my own mess. If what this person needed to say to me was so important they would of texted me not the other way around and all of this I needed you talk wouldn't of came when they found out where I was at this past weekend. That's all I am saying....I have some financial things going on in my life and I will work these problems out and be back on my A game. But please believe I clearly see who's in my corner and who's not in my corner. So this is tree shaking time and I don't need no fake leaves in my circle. I am post some pics I took of the room they are so nice...we will be going back very soon for a much longer stay. Now it's time for me to think about what I want for my B-Day..I am thinking Vegas or somewhere we need Passports...LOL

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