Card 1 (The Sun) : How you feel about yourself now »
You are feeling abundant happy and joyful - if you don't, be assured that you are about to enter a period of success and fulfillment. This is a time of pleasure, vitality and good health, travel and holidays to be enjoyed. Good news around children or the conception or birth of a longed-for baby. The Sun heralds an ending to difficulties and a time to celebrate with friends and loved ones.
Card 2 (The Hanged Man) : What you most want at this moment »
The cards suggest that what you most want at this time is to have it all, why should you have to give something or someone up? Perhaps you feel a victim and that events are not going as planned. Trust that this is a passage from one phase of your life to another. If you are not sure what or who you need to give up, trust that what will be will be, and will ultimately be to your benefit.
Card 3 (The Lovers) : Your fears »
Ones heart is ruling ones head! You are so afraid of being hurt you are paralysed into non-action. To have or not to have? To stay or to go? Throw caution to the wind, great happiness awaits you if you can trust what you feel and ignore the fear and do it anyway.
Card 4 (The Star) : What is going for you »
A wish come true, this is a time of good luck and fortune, perhaps after a period of struggle and heartache. Good health, possibly after a time of illness, and good fortune that will give you a new zest of life. If considering a new love affair, new job or career, or travel, then go for it. You may also receive a gift or gifts!
Card 5 (The High Priestess) : What is going against you »
Insecurity is a devil that taunts us but only if we listen to that 'doubting Thomas' we all have in our heads. Ignore it. What do your instincts tell you? Perhaps you don't like what they say? Well you could always go against your instincts, but we all know what that leads to don't we!
Card 6 (The Hermit) : Outcome »
This is a time for you to be alone or may herald a time of loneliness. Take this time for quiet introspection and rest. Don't worry you will find the answers, but the Hermit signals a warning not to make hasty decisions. If you have been unwell this is a time for rest and recuperation.
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