Every women has her own breaking point when it comes to relationships. Some women dont stand for cheating, some dont stand for lying and some dont stand for financial security. But whatever her breaking point is its here's to have. I have been pushed to the point some would think it was the breaking point in my previous relationships. But hey I might not of been ready. I sit and think about a good friend of mines who I thought was at her breaking point but hey she's not and as her friend I can only respect that. When a man hurts a women she can do one of two things ( Stay with the man and work it out, or leave and move on with her life). I have done both in my life time and I am telling you neither one is easier then the other. Staying just makes everything that man does look suspect and moving on just means its another failed relationship under your belt. When a women is fed up she knows, no matter what anyone else may say to that women when she is tired she is tired. Women are in abusive relationships everyday, you have plenty of people who say "Why is she with him, I would leave, she's crazy", but in reality she's just not tired of getting treated like a punching bag. I stayed in certain relationships that I knew were toxic only because I wasn't ready to leave. But when I was ready to go I left. I have met my breaking point time after time and I will continue to walk down the road with my head held high and not care what others have to say, because this women knows her breaking point and she will not stand for a lying, cheating, no good man.
One day I will find the right man for me, I will settle down and be able to say he loves me for me and not for what I can do for him, or where I can get him in life. I will not be a booty call or a friend with benefits I will be a loving wife, mother, and friend. But please believe I will always stay true to myself and my breaking point. TTYL
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