I didn't title this blog because I just didn't feel like titling it. I look in myself and see that I am growing up and leaving the past in the past. I am not about to let the past affect my future. God puts people in your life for 2 reason to teach you something or for you to teach them something. I am tired of having people bring nothing but hurt in my life so I've changed the way I feel about everything. I've changed the way I view men all together. I realized I wasn't ready for marriage this time last year, because if I was I would of honered my promise. Hell I still ant ready yet, and it's nothing wrong with that. I was living on somone else time table and that's the worst way to live. Living how someone things you should live and not doing what makes you happy is how we end up crying in our pillows at night. I am not going to be the victum to no one else agenda, everything I will be doing will be on my own time. I am single right now and I have girlfriends who say "Girl you better take that man before someone else does" I feel like if he wants to be with me he will say it, if not then we do what we do. Party, chill, talk, and be there for each other. I would rather have a good friends with benfits relationship then a full relationship with no benfits and only headace. I don't take advice from my girls any way hell there relationships are no where near perfect but who's is.
I have talked to my X lately and I made it perfectly clear that I am not going to be used in any mind games he has going on. I just don't see how that's going to make anyone happy in the end. I am grown and whatever he does doesn't affect me anymore. His like is his life and my life is my life. Ok I know people are saying I am crazy for talking to him, but like I said this is my life and I have no anger towards him. Hell we were both doing what we wanted to do so No Hard Feelings. Just know I am not a substitute, I am not filling the spot of a failed relationship of his. That has nothing to do with me, I am not dropping anything in my life to accommodate him and his needs not my problem anymore. I will hold conversation and talk civil but other then that I don't think so. I know the truth of what happened with him and the other women, but it's no ones business but theirs so I am not about to put that out here on my blog.
The purpose of this entry is to let my audience know 1) this is my life I will do what I want to I am grown 2)I am not about to be in the middle of no ones bullshit 3) I don't need to be in a relationship just to say I am happy. Well time for me to lay back ice my toe and chill.TTYL
This is the 411...Don't like it who gives a you know what..Don't read it. I won't lose no sleep. It's all about me and that's all that matters. 100% doing me all day everyday...KISS KISS
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Good AM
Hey everyone it was an R-Kelly morning this morning. Well I am just say I am going to work singing Ignition and Slow Dance. I am also up here cracking up thinking about the movie Low Down Dirty Shame you guys know that part. When Shame says "Ladies don't hurt me with my silk drawers. LOL" I been up since 6am not because I couldn't sleep either. I work in the corporate world and its a hard job believe it or not. I don't think I could go to work and have a good day knowing that I have a man in my bed almost every night and not get knocked off. Hell it was bad enough working a normal 9-5 and not getting any. Hell I have more responsibility's now I need that stress reliever. I am telling you from one working women to another, it don't matter if you work for Microsoft, or MacDonald's get yours before you hit that clock because it makes your day go by so much better. LOL I don't punch no clock but I am telling you I could have 5 accounts bomb in the stock market and if I got some the morning before I handle it so much better. LOL..If I didn't please believe I am the worst. Hey happy hour don't have to always be after work if you know what I mean, you shouldn't go to work without that glow all over you. TTYL have a great day peoples.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
To funny
Hey GM peoples I am getting ready for work and my toe is broke so I am going kind of slow today. I might have a broken toe but I had me a pretty good time last night. Hell who am I kidding I had me a great time last night. Man it was on point put me right to sleep. LOL It was unexpected like I like it. He started off being the ass he usually is but he is a sweet heart under all that mess. He offered to rub my toe and I wouldn't let him touch it because it hurts, but it was the thought that counted. I was so surprised we didn't argue about his towel being in the wash, or him having to eat pizza and not Sunday dinner. It was a peaceful night.
It's funny how the tables turn when you least expect it. You have people who think they have done their job of keeping to people apart but that friendship is stronger than any voodoo they can do. Hell last night I told him I am start going to Wal-Mart all hours of the night ladies that's where the men be at. Wal-Mart is the main hang out....lol...Hell I may be in pain this morning having to drag my butt to work, but I have one thing to say IT'S FUNNY HOW THE PERSON WHO WAS CALLING PEOPLE A JUMP OFF IS NOW A JUMP OFF HIMSELF....LOL....I had to get that out. I told you guys this summer is going to be to funny. I can't wait to see how all this mess is going to pan out. The roles have reversed and now people who where in the driver seat are now in the passenger seat. LOL I can't wait for spring break going to Myrtle Beach, and the summer time going maybe Florida. I am telling you peoples I have a feeling this is going to be a must see show. TTYL have a good day
It's funny how the tables turn when you least expect it. You have people who think they have done their job of keeping to people apart but that friendship is stronger than any voodoo they can do. Hell last night I told him I am start going to Wal-Mart all hours of the night ladies that's where the men be at. Wal-Mart is the main hang out....lol...Hell I may be in pain this morning having to drag my butt to work, but I have one thing to say IT'S FUNNY HOW THE PERSON WHO WAS CALLING PEOPLE A JUMP OFF IS NOW A JUMP OFF HIMSELF....LOL....I had to get that out. I told you guys this summer is going to be to funny. I can't wait to see how all this mess is going to pan out. The roles have reversed and now people who where in the driver seat are now in the passenger seat. LOL I can't wait for spring break going to Myrtle Beach, and the summer time going maybe Florida. I am telling you peoples I have a feeling this is going to be a must see show. TTYL have a good day
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Bad news
I just got off the phone with my mom and she told me some real bad news. My sister has a blood clot in her head and they say it's small but I can't help being worried. Today was going good and I had to grab my laptop and get this off my mind. This news makes everything seem so small to me. I have been so rapped up in my own life and problems for the past couple of months I even forgot my sons 10 birthday is this Friday. I swear even though my sister gets on my nerves that's my sister and I love her. We are like 2 peas in a pod and I couldn't image not having her around. Plus my nieces are little and they need there mom. I am going home this weekend after work on Friday, I am just hoping they can give her something to make them go away. She doesn't need any stress in her life I am praying to God she gets rid of all the stresses in her life and live life in peace. Stress can make things like this even worse. My mom knows I am up set and she told me to pray about it, that's all I can do. It just frightens me them having to do surgery on her brain. She will never be the same. I just can't see my life without my right hand. She's been there for me through everything and now this. It hurts and I am in pain thinking about this. I don't know what to do, I don't know how I am going to deal with this but I will get through this 1 day at a time. TTYL
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Dedicated to those loser you know who you are
Yo', this song, yo',
this song is for all the women out there
that have been lied to by their men
and I know you all been lied to
over and over again
this is for y'all
you maybe didn't break the way you should've broke, yo',
but I break
you know I'm sayin' so,
this is how it goes yo',
pss - damn, yo'
Last year - Valentine's Day
You would just warmly say
"Babe I love you, love you, (Yo' he's lyin') babe I swear"
Held you when you were sick
Even, ****** ***** *****,
The whole time I think to myself, this isn't fair
What is this I see (No)
You don’t come home to me (Oh, no)
When you don’t come home to me (Man)
Can’t deal, can’t bear
You keep tellin’ me lies
But to your surprise
Look, I found her red coat
And you’re bitch
Caught out there
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
So sick of your games, I’ll set your truck to flames
And watch it blow up, blow up, tell me:
How you gonna see [HER] now
So far from sincere(I love you), fabrications in my ear
Drive me so far up the wall, I come slidin’ down
What is this I see (I don't believe this)
You don’t come home to me
When you don’t come home to me
I can’t deal, can’t bear (I won't)
You keep tellin’ me lies
But to your surprise
Look, I hope you're happy
Since you're
Caught out there
Yeah, you’ve been caught
Yo’, come on
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
She’s so: raunchy, so vulgar, not me, why the hell her
Look, she dresses (Look at her) a mess, what do you see
(I don’t know)
It’s not all about cash (Hell, no), nor how much you flash
How I dress is a reflection of me
What is this I see
You don’t come home to me (Uh-uh)
When you don’t come home to me
Can’t deal, can’t bear (Told you I won't)
You keep tellin’ me lies
But to your surprise
Look, I've got somethin' for y'all
Since you're
Caught out there
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
this song is for all the women out there
that have been lied to by their men
and I know you all been lied to
over and over again
this is for y'all
you maybe didn't break the way you should've broke, yo',
but I break
you know I'm sayin' so,
this is how it goes yo',
pss - damn, yo'
Last year - Valentine's Day
You would just warmly say
"Babe I love you, love you, (Yo' he's lyin') babe I swear"
Held you when you were sick
Even, ****** ***** *****,
The whole time I think to myself, this isn't fair
What is this I see (No)
You don’t come home to me (Oh, no)
When you don’t come home to me (Man)
Can’t deal, can’t bear
You keep tellin’ me lies
But to your surprise
Look, I found her red coat
And you’re bitch
Caught out there
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
So sick of your games, I’ll set your truck to flames
And watch it blow up, blow up, tell me:
How you gonna see [HER] now
So far from sincere(I love you), fabrications in my ear
Drive me so far up the wall, I come slidin’ down
What is this I see (I don't believe this)
You don’t come home to me
When you don’t come home to me
I can’t deal, can’t bear (I won't)
You keep tellin’ me lies
But to your surprise
Look, I hope you're happy
Since you're
Caught out there
Yeah, you’ve been caught
Yo’, come on
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
She’s so: raunchy, so vulgar, not me, why the hell her
Look, she dresses (Look at her) a mess, what do you see
(I don’t know)
It’s not all about cash (Hell, no), nor how much you flash
How I dress is a reflection of me
What is this I see
You don’t come home to me (Uh-uh)
When you don’t come home to me
Can’t deal, can’t bear (Told you I won't)
You keep tellin’ me lies
But to your surprise
Look, I've got somethin' for y'all
Since you're
Caught out there
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I am bossy
When is it rude to masturbate

Friday, February 24, 2012
Weekend Has started off in the toilet
The weekend has started off in the toilet literally. My youngest son has flushed his truck down the toilet, I swear I am about to freaking scream. The day was going great now he does this crap. I am trying to snake this damn toilet and my arms are hurting and I am getting a freaking headache. I just know I am have to call this cheap ass slum lord of mines and he's going to charge me to have it fixed. There goes another $75 down the toilet. I am so stressed out I just need some kind words to clam me down I swear. This is the last thing I needed. The day went so good to I start training for my job on Tuesday. Nothing was going wrong until this boy I swear. If I smoked now would be time for a cigarette
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Whats the 411 (Whitney's last phot)
This photo of Whitney Houston in her casket has a lot of people up set and ready to sue the National Enquire. I find this to be a violation of her funeral. Of course I am posting it because my blog wouldn't be called "What's the 411" without me posting the 411. This photo is on shelves in stores everywhere. Talk shows are talking about who took this photo and how much the Enquire paid this person. The real question is was it one of her staff members, someone in her family, or someone who worked for the funeral home. We will never know who took this photo, but whoever did it I hope it was worth their self respect because this is clearly wrong. I have heard theory after theory on how she died but the report hasn't been concluded yet. My theory is she committed suicide, all the signs are there heavy alcohol, all the pills and the bubble bath. That screams suicide. I could be wrong but with this picture on shelves her family will have a harder time dealing with her death. God bless them and who ever took this picture God Bless them to I guess they needed that money bad enough. TTYL
New Background
I changed my background to my newest tattoo that's on my back now. I love dragon flies and I changed my background to show my love. I wish I could go home tomorrow and hang with my girls but I have so much work to do it's not even funny. Plus get ready for training next week. So if you are reading my blog on a daily basis and I haven't posted in a while it's not because I am ignoring my blog it's because I am keeping myself busy between working out, my kids, my job, and school. Everyone have a great weekend keep your heads up because everyone will have their time to be as happy as I am right now. I have everything I want right now and I am going to enjoy and not second guess my happiness this go around.
Awww he loves me...lol
I titled this blog all he loves me because last night he worked 15 hours and still found the energy to go get me something to eat. I didn't have to get up all I had to do was hand him my keys and text him what I wanted. I couldn't sleep last night for some reason I was up you hear me I was up half the night. I tossed and turned looked at him and he was sleeping like a baby. I waited as long as I could before I was like man I see no since in laying in my bed about to blow up and this man is laying next to me. So of course I started making noise to wake him up it was so funny. What was even funnier was when we were done it was like 4am and he looked at me and said "How did we get here." I was like WTH are you talking about. Poor baby was so tired and confused he didn't know what was going on. But I got mines and I turned over and tried to go back to sleep. I still wasn't tired that messed up. I started texting my homeboy because I saw he texted me and he's at work so I knew he wasn't sleep. Oh man that turned into a whole different conversation. It turned into the you are holding a whole conversation while I am sleep conversation. Hey hey hey I didn't lie to him I was like yea he's at work and you were sleep didn't want to wake you. I have learned that honesty is the best policy keep it 100 you don't have to work so hard. I told him what was what between me and my homeboy it's nothing there granted I know my homeboy wants to pick up back where we left off over a year ago. But that's so not happening anymore. No reason to go back and play second fiddle until he gets back with his girl. I don't play second fiddle to no chick. So like I said it's all about me and that's why I stay right where I am.
This weekend is going to be a boring weekend. I am watching my nieces and I really didn't want to but I know my sister is going to watch my kids when I go to NY next month for a conference, so you have to give a little to get a little. Plus I have a research proposal I have to get done, so it's all work this weekend. I guess I will get some QT this weekend. Well time for me to get my self together and get ready for training at my job next week. TTYL
This weekend is going to be a boring weekend. I am watching my nieces and I really didn't want to but I know my sister is going to watch my kids when I go to NY next month for a conference, so you have to give a little to get a little. Plus I have a research proposal I have to get done, so it's all work this weekend. I guess I will get some QT this weekend. Well time for me to get my self together and get ready for training at my job next week. TTYL
Power of the P
The Power of the P is a power to never be underestimated
It's a power so powerful it can never be rated
This power makes men jump through hoops and obstacles
With holding this power can turn a hot hard man into a cold Popsicle
We as women are born with this power
To be used as we desire
Some use it for good and some use it for evil
At the end of the day it's ours to do as we please
If you use your power the right way you will get what you need
New cars, new houses and things you never thought you would receive
A man can work 15 hours be tired as he please
But he will always a rise to the power of the P
Never turn this power over to someone else
They will use it to their advantage and put your feelings on a shelf
To never be heard from
The patter of your feet, your heart beats like a drum
After the itch has been scared you sip that sweet glass of rum
God gave you this power for you to do with as you desire
Some live above or below the wire
Me personally I use my power to my advantage
Getting what I need is whats most important
His needs fall a bit below mines
But if I have a smile on my face then he is definitely fine
That's the power of the P
A power that makes men do whatever you need them to do
A power that makes men act like they belong in a zoo
A power that will put you first in his life
A power you can give or take away until you want to be his wife
A power no matter how tired he may be
He will arise to the occasion and be ready for me
To satisfy my erg and put me to sleep
When he does it right I do not weep
The power of the P puts him in a way
I know when he leaves he will have a good day
By. Myeika
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Deja vu
Today has been a day of Deja vu. This time last year I was living with my mom and I had plenty of interviews and job offers that I couldn't take because of my living situation at the time. Today I went to an interview for the same job and I think I have a very good chance of starting training this Tuesday coming up. I have had this feeling of deja vu a lot lately, I am just saying things are starting to come together for me and my family and I am so happy there is no drama. I feel good I am in a great place right now. I don't have anything or anybody weighing me down. I can't wait to start this Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30 I will still have time for my gym sessions and time to spend with the kids. I may be single but it really doesn't matter since I am doing my own things. Being in a relationship isn't even that important anymore. I have time to focus on myself and it’s a great feeling. Well I have work to get done...TTYL
Hall Pass/ Today
Hey everyone I named this blog Hall Pass because last night we were up after my class watching the movie Hall Pass. It was funny as hell. Now the question that came up last night was would you give your wife or husband a hall pass. If you never seen the movie a hall pass is a pass that gives your partner freedom from marriage or commitment for a week. Of course he said hell no and I said yep. I sure would on bike week down Myrtle Beach. LOL I said why not let you know what you have at home. He's to jealous for that, plus dealing with me of course you know I am play little games to get his mind all messed up during that week. I would post pics on facebook of me at Bike week chilling and having a good time during my hall pass. What would you do if your wife/husband gave you a hall pass for a week would you take it or would you say hell no?
Today I have been so sleepy, I got up went to the gym and came home and slept my butt off. I am just getting up because I have a job interview at 2. But I am tired, I got plenty of sleep last night went to bed around 11 woke up at 6:30 of course, then woke back up at 7. But I am tired and I don't know why. I had me a great morning though my nap was so refreshing. I hope I am not coming down with anything I just couldn't handle being sick right now. I don't have time in my schedule for sickness. Especially not this weekend, homecoming weekend I sure don't want to be the sick Alumni. I want to go but I don't want to drive home. LOL I am a mess.
Today I have been so sleepy, I got up went to the gym and came home and slept my butt off. I am just getting up because I have a job interview at 2. But I am tired, I got plenty of sleep last night went to bed around 11 woke up at 6:30 of course, then woke back up at 7. But I am tired and I don't know why. I had me a great morning though my nap was so refreshing. I hope I am not coming down with anything I just couldn't handle being sick right now. I don't have time in my schedule for sickness. Especially not this weekend, homecoming weekend I sure don't want to be the sick Alumni. I want to go but I don't want to drive home. LOL I am a mess.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Hey everyone today has been a long day so far. I am so sleepy but I am dedicated to getting my work done. I pulled myself out this bed went to work out and went to handle my business for the day. I have another interview tomorrow out Bel-Air and I need to make sure I have enough rest tonight so I don't look good and crazy for the interview. Yesterday I talked to one of my old professor and he got me thinking about going to get my PH.D. Now I haven't made any hard decisions on this idea yet I have until Dec 1st to make up my mind if I want my Ph.D in Business or Criminology. I could see myself teaching at a major university or doing something big with it. I am burned out right now, but the good thing is I wouldn't start my program until Fall 2013 so I would have time to think about it. Friday I am taking my truck to Jiffy Lube to get all my fluids changed and my filters changed. I want to go home for UMES homecoming this weekend but I might be to damn tired. I am beat man it's not even funny. I was supposed to hang out with my other homeboy today but after I left the gym I was like NOPE can't make it I am to sleepy. Not only that I have been cramping my butt off but of course I am late. Last Saturday me and my home girl were out Towson at the bar with my good friend it felt wired not hanging out with him in the bar or club in over a year or so. But we had a blast, drinks were responsible and not watered down. I had a great weekend and yesterday was pretty good until certain people decided to try to pull me out of character. But it didn't work because at the end of the day everyone gets whats coming to them. I am so focused on me and mines everyone else who's not in my circle is so irrelevant it's not even funny. But time for me to get some rest I am so not feeling it today. It's all dark in my room so you know what I am about to do close my eyes and get some rest before my kids get home and before I have class. P.S. My baby boy lost his tooth the other day, and now his hair is growing back so he has twist. I love all my kids and I can't imagine my life without them. They are my world. I just don't get how people can walk away from their own flesh and blood. I could never leave them not for anyone or put anyone above them. They are my babies, plus I would never blame anyone for the mistakes I make in raising my kids. They are my mistakes and no parent is perfect. Being a good parent means you face your mistakes, handle them, and make sure your kids aren't burned by them. It's called taking RESPONSIBILITY TTYL
Monday, February 20, 2012
OMG I will be 30 this year. My twenties are over and I am so not looking forward to turning 30 but it's going to happen weather I want it to or not. I was talking to my boop about turning 30 because he is also turning 30 this year, before me though so I get to stay 29 until the end of the year almost. I have made a huge decision when it comes to my relationships. I really wasted my 20's on relationships, all the relationships in my 20's were completely waste of my time. I really went a whole decade with the wrong type of man for me. So I have decided in my thirties I will not deal with a man that doesn't spend regular time with his kids. I am just not having it. I am not dealing with a man who doesn't work, doesn't have his own, don't drive and is a dead beat ass father. I have had my share of men like that so time for me to do like Jay Z and go on to the next one. Those type of men are for some women just not me. I also don't want a man who can't make decision on his own. To me that's the whole point of being grown having your own mind. Knowing that you are not perfect making a mistake fixing it being a grown up and taking responsibility for that mistake not throwing other people under the bus for it. I am done with that. I swear from 19-29 I have had the worst relationships and I will not go back to that. Them 10 years was wasted on nothing but losers. If a man can't get with my standards then he needs to kick rocks. I am not dealing with it anymore, I have said it before but this is the real deal. I refuse to waste time with someone who has no future. Life is to short and I want to be spoiled and spoil my man and have a drama free life. Last 10 years have been nothing but drama filled and I am not living the next 10 years that way. I had 4-5 guys I have met talked to and told 3 out of the 5 to lose my number don't call me no more your a waste of my time. Hey there feelings were hurt but I don't give a shit, this is my life and I will not be in the company of losers. I am not going to sit here and run down a list of what losers do. Hey if you are with a loser I am sure you know he is a loser don't be babysitting that losers feelings wasting your life away when you could have a good man who knows and wants to give you what you deserve. I put it like this the man may be good for someone else just not me. I need for the next man to bring it, and I am not talking about in bed. I mean for him to bring it and be there the way I need him to be. If he can't do that then he needs to get off this ride and catch a hack somewhere else. I am building my company, my non-profit, and I have kids to raise. I don't need a man adding more stress on me then I already have with my stuff. I would rather be alone. But since I am turning 30 this year all the games is over and done with. People can say what they want to about me I don't give a shit they just mad because they are not me or not with me. That's all I got to say on that part. Well time for me to watch TV UMES Homecoming is this week so I am go see my girls step it out at the step show Friday if I feel like driving back down the shore. But other then that I have to get ready for my gym session in the AM. GN people TTYL
Hey hey
Hey everyone I am back in the house thank God. It was a long drive but on that drive I had time to think. I realized that people are going to say what they want to say and do what they want to do. Blame me for their own mistakes and never take responsibility for their own actions. That's not my problem, hell blame me for whatever. At the end of the day I am handling my business and having a great life while they are sitting back looking and feeling miserable about things they could of changed. I had a great past couple of days and I am not letting anyone I mean anyone mess it up. I told my sisters baby father this past Friday how I felt about him and didn't bite my tongue one time. He is a no good weak, soft, broke ass punk. He is a sorry excuse for a father and my sister wants to be the stupid hoe and be with him so be it. I can't change that and I am not going to worry about it. While I was at my moms I sat back and thought about this time last year. I was staying at my moms, my house wasn't ready for me to live in and I was stressed out to the point of no return. Then I look back and see all I have now, I have my own, I have my truck, I have my health, I have someone I can trust in my life. I am thankful God opened my eyes to see what I really had and all the other stuff was just not worth the energy. Working out and not being in this house has changed me, and he even says I have changed. I feel like everything I was holding on to was an illusion. I was holding on because I had nothing else in my own mind. But as soon as I started to get out this house and I can see what's happening and I am not in here looking crazy anymore. I am living and loving life. So people feel free to hate on me, because you are either hating for 2 reason. 1 you cant be me or 2 you want what I have. Start taking responsibility and stop sitting around singing your should a could of would a's and handle your business. If not hell continue to hate on me, because I am only going to get bigger and bigger and have more and more haters. Love you Haters...Yea I had to send some love to them. LOL They keep a smile on my face all day because the shit they say is just to funny. Let's see what I get blamed for next. Maybe 9-11, or somebody being broke, or someone not seeing their kids I don't know. For me to have taken myself out of a lot of drama situations I still managed to be put in shit. LOL But that's children for you, ready to blame you instead of looking in the mirror and taking the responsibility for their own actions. TTYL
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Hey peoples
Hey everyone I took me a little break from blogging to have me a great past couple of days. I was supposed to go to Atlantic City this weekend, but I didn't I decided to stay in the DMV a lot was going on this weekend here so I said I will see AC another time. Yesterday PinkyXXX was at El Dorados down the block.TI was at Love in DC and Kevin Hart was here in Baltimore down the arena. So I kept my ass in the DMV and had a freaking ball. Plus Mardi Gras is this Tuesday so time to get my beads. Well my kids have been gone since Friday and it's so lovely because they wont be home until Monday. I have been out hanging with my girl and my other homeboy all weekend. But please believe I come home to that special one. Last night was a funny truth session. Last night I was under the influence, so everything came out and feelings were put down on the table. We realized we are both hooked on each other and it's a good thing. At first everything was to make someone else mad, but then I started to have feeling for him and all them petty games went out the window and I realized those feelings were real feelings. Oh yea ladies I am give you guys some advice: Your man needs to see you in a matching bra and pantie set sometimes maybe not all the times but once in a while. My home girl didn't know about that until this weekend. I had to take her to Lane Bryant and help her pick out something sexy. See I don't have that problem I stay in matching sets or something sexy. I bought a new matching set and a robe to go with it. Spent $100 but it's priceless to see your man turn around at look at you in them heels and a robe with a matching bra and pantie set that's his favorite colors...hear your man say that one word DAMN... I took a picture yesterday before I went out of my new set with the robe on and sent it to him and I got DAMN through text message. LOL I also got who you wearing that for you only going out with your girl. But he didn't say that when we met up after I was out with my girl and he was with his friends. It was all good in the hood then. Ladies I am just saying it's nothing wrong with going to bed with a t-shirt and socks on....hell I do it. Just sometimes keep that fire burning. Last night was a Gerald Levert night "Baby hold on to me night"... By me not blogging since Thursday I realized what I needed to say to him...he already knew. Hell he's here and that's all that matters to me.
Yesterday I found out I am what you call high maintenance. Hell I already knew that I just wanted to see if it was true, and both my boop and my homeboy clearly said "Myeika you are to much, you are a high matiance girlfriend." I don't drink cheap, I get my nails done, I like designer shoes, clothes, pocketbooks, and I love to eat at nice restaurants, oh yea and 4-5 star hotels. I feel like if we kicking it then you need to be kicking it out. I am not a gold digger either, I have my own money and I am not out to get a mans money lets make that clear. I am just not going to have a man not treating me like a lady if we chilling on a regular. I don't see no since in it. Why should I share my world with a man who only wants to go to Applebees and get the 2 for 20. I like Fridays, I like Ruth Chris, Morton's State House, Cheese Cake Factory, etc. I like having my nails done and getting my hair done. Ladies your man wants you to look good don't he. Hell I would pay for him to get his hair cut but he does it himself. So that keep my 20 in my pocket. I don't mind buying Sean John, or Gucci for him. Hell when we go out he is a reflection of me and I damn sure don't need him making me look bad. Well I hope everyone had a great weekend, because I did met some cool down to earth people this weekend, had my alone time and found out some much needed info this weekend. I am telling you this has been the best weekend in a really long long long long time. Nothing went wrong, I was going to AC but besides everything popping here I forgot I had to take a state test for a job Saturday afternoon, so I went and did that. By the time I was done with that it was time for me to go handle other business. But I didn't want my audience to think I forgot about them, I looked at my stats today and say I was being Googled and all. Hell I guess somebody wants to know what little old me is up to and I find that cool. Well time for me to go to my hair appointment ttyl. Kiss Kiss HAPPY MARDI GRAS 2012 EVERYONE
Yesterday I found out I am what you call high maintenance. Hell I already knew that I just wanted to see if it was true, and both my boop and my homeboy clearly said "Myeika you are to much, you are a high matiance girlfriend." I don't drink cheap, I get my nails done, I like designer shoes, clothes, pocketbooks, and I love to eat at nice restaurants, oh yea and 4-5 star hotels. I feel like if we kicking it then you need to be kicking it out. I am not a gold digger either, I have my own money and I am not out to get a mans money lets make that clear. I am just not going to have a man not treating me like a lady if we chilling on a regular. I don't see no since in it. Why should I share my world with a man who only wants to go to Applebees and get the 2 for 20. I like Fridays, I like Ruth Chris, Morton's State House, Cheese Cake Factory, etc. I like having my nails done and getting my hair done. Ladies your man wants you to look good don't he. Hell I would pay for him to get his hair cut but he does it himself. So that keep my 20 in my pocket. I don't mind buying Sean John, or Gucci for him. Hell when we go out he is a reflection of me and I damn sure don't need him making me look bad. Well I hope everyone had a great weekend, because I did met some cool down to earth people this weekend, had my alone time and found out some much needed info this weekend. I am telling you this has been the best weekend in a really long long long long time. Nothing went wrong, I was going to AC but besides everything popping here I forgot I had to take a state test for a job Saturday afternoon, so I went and did that. By the time I was done with that it was time for me to go handle other business. But I didn't want my audience to think I forgot about them, I looked at my stats today and say I was being Googled and all. Hell I guess somebody wants to know what little old me is up to and I find that cool. Well time for me to go to my hair appointment ttyl. Kiss Kiss HAPPY MARDI GRAS 2012 EVERYONE
Thursday, February 16, 2012
I was thinking about going on vacation alone and having some alone time. But I have decided to take my kids to Myrtle Beach for spring break staying at the Breakers I know they will love this resort its made for kids. We will be gone from April 2-8th..I will be paying the deposit for our 3 bedroom condo and we are going to have a great week. I can't wait to spend this fun time with the kids and see them have a great spring break on the beach. I will be out of touch for that week so What's the 411 will be down for that week. I am glad my job lets me make my own schedule, so I can spend time with my babies. It's going to be crazy just me and 4 kids but my son will be 10 by then so he will be able to help with the other kids. The more I sit and think the more I realize my kids only have me and me only, and I only have them. So I am not going to send them away I am going to have fun with my babies and we are going to do our family thing. For a long time I would send my kids to my moms or my sisters for 10 days and go where ever I wanted to go. Now I see my kids are getting older and now is the time for me to bond with them and show them that they don't need their dads or any man in their lives. My kids need to know that mommy will always be their. This vacation is our new beginning...TTYL
Yea it's Thursday
Hey everyone I woke up this morning and I am happy that it's Thursday. Today will be my last day of working out until Sunday or Monday. I get to let my muscles rest and let my body rest. The kids are getting themselves up and out of here for school, every morning it the same routine and they still seem to mess it up some how. All I hear is mom I don't have a wash cloth or mom I can't find my under ware. I am telling you why can't they just get up get their clothes on and get out. But we all know that would be to much like right. No morning drama in my house would be like no drama at the White House. But as soon as they hit the road I am going to clean my kitchen, get the ribs ready for dinner then hit the gym. I have an appointment with my trainer at 9:30 this morning. I love the early appointments makes my day go by quicker. Today is my relax day I am going to do some school work and relax after my workout. Tomorrow I am getting my truck cleaned, taking the kids to my sisters and getting my hair done. So tomorrow I will be running from the time I get up. Last night well early this morning around 1am I was knocked out sleep. My phone rings and it's someone who has the wrong number, this man had the wrong number and tried to talk to me like he knew me at 1am. He hit me with "Hey sweetie sorry I called the wrong number I know it's late but you want to talk." I am looking like are you freaking serious really. Man goodnight. Wow has dating become that bad that people have started the wrong number game again. LOL I am so hungry right now I could go for a lumber jack breakfast from Denny's but that' s defeating the purpose of me working out. The one thing about working about is you have to change your eating habits, because if you don't then there's no point in working out. I am eating more throughout the day but I am eating healthy throughout the day. I have snacks like yogurt, bananas, oranges, and apples. I would love to go get a chicken box from Bruce's from where I used to live at in the city but that's me fighting against myself. So guess breakfast is a banana and oatmeal. Oh god how I hate oatmeal, but I am try and get it down. If not oatmeal, to sausage links and two eggs scrambled with one egg yolk and no cheese. OMG this mans snacks sitting up here look so good but I can't touch them.
I know it's nice out the birds are outside my window and their is a nice breeze blowing. Wow can't tell if it's February or April. My youngest son lost his tooth yesterday so now he's running around saying the tooth fairy left me 2 bucks he doesn't say dollars he says bucks. LOL Awww my little man is getting bigger he's losing his teeth. It's a great feeling to watch your kids grow up from the time they were first born, you get to see the transformation from baby, to big kid, to teenager, to adult. There dads don't know what they are missing but oh well leave them right where they are at in the dust. Well time for me to get my day going. Everyone have a great Thursday and if I don't blog tomorrow have a great weekend.
I know it's nice out the birds are outside my window and their is a nice breeze blowing. Wow can't tell if it's February or April. My youngest son lost his tooth yesterday so now he's running around saying the tooth fairy left me 2 bucks he doesn't say dollars he says bucks. LOL Awww my little man is getting bigger he's losing his teeth. It's a great feeling to watch your kids grow up from the time they were first born, you get to see the transformation from baby, to big kid, to teenager, to adult. There dads don't know what they are missing but oh well leave them right where they are at in the dust. Well time for me to get my day going. Everyone have a great Thursday and if I don't blog tomorrow have a great weekend.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Whats going on
Hey everyone I am up here watching the show Wife Swap, even though this show is old it's still my show. I don't know how I would feel about leaving my family to go stay with another family for a week or so. I am so happy tomorrow is Thursday it's my last day of working out for the week. I am telling you if you are working out and you don't have any pain your not doing it the right way. My trainer clearly says pain means progress, and I am laying up here with ice on my legs. I am happy tomorrow is my upper body so I don't have to worry about doing squats and working out my hamstrings. Working out is a different thing all on it's own, but I feel so good when I work out. After leaving the gym I have a bunch of energy but when I get home and settle down my muscles start to yell at me.
Every since I got my truck and started working out I haven't been home that much. Tomorrow I will be home chilling relaxing cooking ribs for dinner. After I go work out I am coming home getting started on dinner and my school work since this weekend I am be way to busy to think about doing this presentation. Then Friday is hair appointment, and driving the kids to my sisters. I just need to get a hot stone massage, but tomorrow is my sauna day. So I am workout take a shower at the gym and get in the sauna for a bit and relax. Working out is relaxing all on its own believe it or not. Doing my cardo gives me time to think and listen to my I Pod. Then my resistant training gets any built up frustration out. Well time for me to hit the bed...TTYL
Every since I got my truck and started working out I haven't been home that much. Tomorrow I will be home chilling relaxing cooking ribs for dinner. After I go work out I am coming home getting started on dinner and my school work since this weekend I am be way to busy to think about doing this presentation. Then Friday is hair appointment, and driving the kids to my sisters. I just need to get a hot stone massage, but tomorrow is my sauna day. So I am workout take a shower at the gym and get in the sauna for a bit and relax. Working out is relaxing all on its own believe it or not. Doing my cardo gives me time to think and listen to my I Pod. Then my resistant training gets any built up frustration out. Well time for me to hit the bed...TTYL
Good morning
Good morning I didn't post anything yesterday, because I was so busy. I had a great workout that I am paying for this morning. My trainer is named Carlo and I have been calling him Rich for about 3 weeks now. It's so funny he was cool about it though. I went to breakfast because I had class last night so dinner was out the question. I was surprised my kids father gave me a Valentines Day gift. He gave me the one gift he knew I would love....good old fashion cash. The gift that keeps on giving. Then I went got my nails done and came home cooked dinner. Of course my cupid came over last night but he almost got more than an arrow in his ass last night. I swear how can a man be so loving and such an asshole all at the same time. We cuss each other out, we slap each other, but at the end of the day we hold each other until we fall asleep. He says I am hard headed, stubborn, and won't bow down. He clams he's going to find me a man by the summer and teach me how to be a good girlfriend and bow down. LOL is right....1)I will never Bow down this isn't Twilight 2) How he going to find me a man when he wants me. LOL Every man I talk to him about has something wrong with them. They either lame, broke, desperate etc...This is going to be a fun summer I am telling you. I can't wait for Spring Break I am taking the kids to Myrtle Beach of the week or the weekend depends on how many days they have out. Well time for me to water my plant not flowers and get myself to the gym. Today on my schedule is 45mins of Cardo. I love Wendesdays', my trainer makes out my workout schedule and today is only Cardo. Yea...Tomorrow is 30mins of Cardo, and 5 different upper body workouts 2times each. Like they say no pain no gain. Well time to hit the road I have to hit the market also, I know he better send me his grocery snack list or he will be in here bitching about me not having no junk food. LOL The funnest thing is watching a grown man have a melt down because I don't have any junk food. Hint DIET...LOL Well everyone have a good day TTYL
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
My Day
Today has been a long day. I am beat and I just want to relax and go to bed. I am telling you I am so tired of hearing about Valentines Day, the radio is making it like it's Christmas. I am saying people it's not that serious. It's just Valentines Day. My trainer asked me what do i want for Valentines Day..I said a relaxing hot bubble bath and dinner. I am not picky hell I want that every night. Valentines Day isn't that big to me. In my life everyday is Valentines Day, I love when I wake up in the morning and my day goes well. So everyday is Valentines Day when I go to bed with a smile on my face. I had a good time down the shore with my mom and my cousin. My girl friend went with, so she kept me company during the ride. We had a great conversation about everything from money to relationships. We both had different opinions on everything but in the end of the day we both want the same thing to be happy. I told her I want to build a 5 bedroom house, have my own business, be married to a wonderful loving trustworthy man. In due time I know that will happen, I am not going to say I believe I am say I know. But while I am working on that I am beyond happy right now. I've had people ask me how can I be happy without a man in my life. I look at them like they are the dumbest I have ever seen. I say I don't need a man to make me complete. I need a man who completes me. It's a differences. I love my life and I love what God has given me and who God has put in my life, to me that;s all that matters. None of the small stuff matters to me. We were talking and I told her if a man isn't bringing nothing into your life but pain and headache then it's time to go. But if he's bringing pain, headache, and happiness then you must weight whats coming more. The happy times or the headache times. No relationship is perfect but the good times must out weight the bad, unless the bad are really bad. There are no more bad times in my life for right now. I am not going to say ever because there is always going to be rough times, that's life. I am saying I can lay my head on my pillow and fall asleep with a clear mind and I love it. I have learned from my mistakes lying to protect someones feelings is totally wrong. I don't have any cut cards now, it's flat out the truth and if you don't like it walk. I am telling you when you tell the truth and tell someone how you feel you can sleep better at night. I know I lay here in my bed rapped in your arms and I have no secrets. I have no bad dreams, I have no more sleepless nights. I thank you for helping me come to the sense that nothings worth saving that's built on a lie. I had to share that with my home girl, just like I had to share it with you guys. Well I have to hit the bed, I have training in the morning and Rich is going to kick my ass I am telling you. He is the Rambo for Golds Gym. TTYL
Whitney's death ( What's the 411)
Whitney's Houston's autopsy concluded that she didn't drown in the bath tube. Even though she was under water for at least 30 minutes. Her lungs didn't have any water in them, but their was a small amount of prescription drugs found in her room. The coroner says not enough for an overdose. TMZ reported that the prescriptions included ibuprofen, Xanax, Midol and amoxicillin. These drugs are not that serious but if you take them all together they can have lethal side affects. These drugs have not been linked to her cause of death. The toxicology results will not be ready for another six to eight weeks. Just like Michael Jackson's death we have to wait to find out what happened. TMZ reported that Houston's family was told by L.A. County Coroner officials that the singer didn't die from drowning, but from a combination of Xanax and other prescription drugs that were mixed with alcohol.Was Whitney depressed like the Enquire said? Did Whitney take a lethal does of pills and kill herself? No one will know for another six to eight weeks, but I will keep up with the story until the end. Whitney's funeral is being held in Newark NJ on Monday. Until next time...Keeping up with the 411
Workout schedule/Kids
1hour of cardio 30 minutes of resistant training. I hope I can get through the cardo today my calf's are so damn sore it's not even funny. I got up to get the kids and they are hurting. But like my trainer says "No pain no gain, feeling the burn means your working." I am on this stick diet Veg, Proteins, and Carbs. I have a list of foods in each group that I can choose from and half the foods I don't eat. But I been working on it. I have body shape class this morning at 9:30 it's fun and it's a workout, it's like Zumba. I am start going to the gym twice a day once in the morning and once when the kids get home. They like going to baby gym, so I am keep them going. Especially my youngest daughter she has to much fun in baby gym.
My kids are up and you think they would say Good Morning Mom How You Feeling. No them little selfish things say Mom can we wear our new shoes today. I am like well good morning to you to. We went shopping this weekend and I let them pick out there shoes for the first time. I ended up spending $319.00. Yes $319.00 2 new pairs of Jordan's that just came out, and 2 new pairs of Air Force ones that just came out. Most parent's would of been going crazy but not me, those are my kids and I spare no expense when it comes to their shoes. I just realized my oldest sons shoes are $110.00 now. Shocked the hell out of me I am telling you. His shoes cost more then my children under my bed. Oh yea speaking of my shoes me losing weight has caused some of my shoes to be to big. I can't have that, I am telling you I am not giving up my children. I love my shoes and my bags. I can give up the clothes because that means I can go buy more clothes. But it takes me a while to pick out a new pair of shoes. My shoes are going to get much needed attention tomorrow, today is Mani pedi day. Girl got to keep her self up. Hair appointment is Friday, getting ready for Atlantic City this weekend. The kids are going over my sisters Friday and to my moms on Saturday. I am miss my moms dinner party on Saturday but oh well this weekend quality time date weekend. Every good relationship needs a date night. One of those nights where you can hang out with that special person and not have to worry about anything but each other. Every relationships needs a date night, especially when both of you work or one of you works and the other shops and does lunch all week. Either way both of you have hard weeks. LOL TTYL
My kids are up and you think they would say Good Morning Mom How You Feeling. No them little selfish things say Mom can we wear our new shoes today. I am like well good morning to you to. We went shopping this weekend and I let them pick out there shoes for the first time. I ended up spending $319.00. Yes $319.00 2 new pairs of Jordan's that just came out, and 2 new pairs of Air Force ones that just came out. Most parent's would of been going crazy but not me, those are my kids and I spare no expense when it comes to their shoes. I just realized my oldest sons shoes are $110.00 now. Shocked the hell out of me I am telling you. His shoes cost more then my children under my bed. Oh yea speaking of my shoes me losing weight has caused some of my shoes to be to big. I can't have that, I am telling you I am not giving up my children. I love my shoes and my bags. I can give up the clothes because that means I can go buy more clothes. But it takes me a while to pick out a new pair of shoes. My shoes are going to get much needed attention tomorrow, today is Mani pedi day. Girl got to keep her self up. Hair appointment is Friday, getting ready for Atlantic City this weekend. The kids are going over my sisters Friday and to my moms on Saturday. I am miss my moms dinner party on Saturday but oh well this weekend quality time date weekend. Every good relationship needs a date night. One of those nights where you can hang out with that special person and not have to worry about anything but each other. Every relationships needs a date night, especially when both of you work or one of you works and the other shops and does lunch all week. Either way both of you have hard weeks. LOL TTYL
Good morning
Good morning everyone Valentines Day is tomorrow, but I got started early. I was eating my whip cream and strawberry's last night while I was getting beat up. Yes I said beat up and not in the sexual way. My legs are still killing me from working out at the gym, and then this man comes over here playing slap boxing with my legs. I was fighting back with my hair brush but of course he took it and popped me with that shit. What's the funniest thing is he then turned around to rub my legs. What since does that make, him and his split personalities. LOL Oh yea I was forced to watch the Wire last night. I live in Baltimore haven't we seen enough of Stringer Bell. LOL I got woke up this morning by the garbage men making a bunch of noise. So of course I wasn't letting him leave this morning without giving me what I wanted. Hell I gave him 3 days off, he should of been well rested. I know he's going to have something to say about what I just wrote but I don't care. He will jump me for it later. Today I am going to hit the gym and then drive down my moms for my daughters appointment that I have been rescheduling. I am sitting up in the middle of my bed cold now, my body heats gone to work so time for me to put on some P.J's...This is going to be a crazy week I have 3 sessions with my trainer, going out of town for the weekend. I have a fully stocked refrigerator, and deep freezer and it's not even the 15th my monthly shopping day. But Wednesday I will be going Down town to Lexington Market to get my meat packet. This week is going to be so much fun. It's funny this morning before he left to go to work, he said I needed drama in my life some excitement and he was right. That's why I started in on him first thing this morning about that towel LOL...It's all in fun. Well time for me to get the kids ready, hit the gym, then see what time I am left with before driving the 2 hours home. Happy Monday peoples...Oh yea my clothes are getting to big, I am happy about that. I am even happier that he says I don't need to work out I am fine just the way I am. But don't get it twisted that kindness only last for a minute before the asshole comes out and says "Why you complain about your legs hurting, I don't want to hear that shit you don't need to work out. As long as your putting yourself in pain I don't want to hear it. I didn't sign up to hear your bitch about your legs." I look at him and say when you came here you signed up to hear my bitching so shut up and rub my legs. Then it's a couple of F-U's back and forth and next we are both hitting each other with pillows or he's slap boxing me. I know our relationship sounds crazy but hey I love it. It's fun never a dull moment. I am the only one complaining in this relationship, I have the right to in my eyes. Hell like I said he may bitch about my pain but at the end of the day I still get my legs rubbed and a little bit more then that. Well time to get up. TTYL...Kiss Kiss
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Weight Lost Track
I have lost another 3 lbs. That makes 6lbs in 2-3 weeks. I am loosing around 2-3lbs a week. I am sore all over but it's worth it. I have way more energy then I used to have, thank God I am changing my life around for myself and myself only.
Another Sunday/ WTH is happing
Today has been a basic Sunday, work, cooking, running around, hitting the gym, swim practice with the kids. My kids are so happy doing there extra activities. I have Girl Scouts next Thursday, I swear I am be worn out. I wish there dads would take some interest, but that's a wishful dream. I am happy my kids are happy. It's been a confusing couple of years for them but I am happy they are finally making new friends. It makes me not want to up root them so we can move to Florida. It's nothing left here for us but my kids are my world. I have given up a whole lot for them including jobs. My youngest daughter ask me the other day if I was happy being here and I said I was. Which is true in a way, but I would be so much happier if I had everything I dreamed by the time I turned 30. My home, a good relationship, and a career. But that's in due time I am not going to rush it, the career is taking off, I am in the process of getting everything together to buy a home, and the relationship part can wait for all I care. Hell I have had my fill of bad relationships. Looking back on my life I can honestly say I don't care if I ever have another relationship again. I am not going to sit around here and ask God to bring me a good man, or do like some I know and go back scraping the bottom of the trash can. I swear there are some women who will put up with anything to say they have a man. I love my family and friends but sometimes they are a bit much. The word LOVE means nothing anymore and I don't care if I ever hear it because for real I wont believe it even if it's said. It's so sad to see what women with no self esteem or standers put up with just to have a body laying next to them. I am sorry I will play with myself, and date before I settle for nothing. I have seen with my own eyes women who let men talk to them any kind of way, treat them any kind of way, and think it's cool. I wish I could throw these chicks right out my life but hey I can't do that. I just look at men and women who stay or go back to people who were all wrong for them just to say they have someone. What the hell is going on? I mean is there anything wrong with having standards, or telling someone what you want? I stand by my standards 100% I can honestly say I would rather be alone then sitting up waiting on some man who has no future. I hate to hear women say my baby daddy ant shit. Well use choose to have them kids by that no good ass man. Hell I know my kids fathers ant worth the spit to cuss them, but please believe they pay me. Some can call me a Gold Digger, but that's not the case. I just don't want no man who feels he can get what's between my legs and not treat me like a women. Hell I can give my self a wet ass. I don't see how women let men live with them, eat up all the food, use the electricity, watch cable and pay no bills. I am sorry I can't call my electric company and say can I $100 worth of dick on my bill. They don't want to hear that. I believe a man 30+ shouldn't be living at home. If you are taking care of your parents, or saving money to move that's one thing. But if you are chilling playing PlayStation writing your name on the OJ screaming mom why you drink my shit. It's time for you to grow the hell up and get out your moms house. Don't no women want to come over your house and you talking about be quite my moms is still up. Back to the ladies public service announcement "IF A MAN HAS KIDS HE'S NOT TAKING CARE OF.....DON'T THINK HE'S GOING TO TAKE CARE OF YOURS!!!!!!!" Why do we not protect ourselves from being hurt..stop falling for that I Love You bull shit. Anyone can say that, hell my 5 year old tells me he loves me everyday. Saying it and showing it is two different things. I can sit here and say I love my man 20 times but if I don't show him I love him it don't matter. That's why I always say I don't care to hear it everyday...show me. Oh yea love is not when a man pays all your bills, he could be doing that to get some..Love is when you are not feeling good and that man rubs you down. I am telling you if a man gives you his last piece of food on his plate its love there believe that LOL. It's a fine line between being in love and being stupid also. Even though love makes you do stupid things. You have to trust that person you love, if you don't trust them then they wont trust you and then it's nothing left to love. I wrote this today to not step on any ones toes, but because I am so tired of seeing women give up good men for bad ones. I am tired of seeing women go back to men who clearly tell you in your face they don't give a damn about you. Come on ladies were is your pride, you see I said your and not our. I have my pride, I have been down this road and I am telling you it leads no where. It's nothing wrong with an average man who works, and handles his business. I just hate when women pass up a hard working man, for some lame on the corner singing his should of could of woulds. Hell I can't make every one change, but if I can touch one person and show them what they are really worth..then I am happy. If not hey keep the no good men that way I don't run into them. I have surrounded myself around people with goals in there lives. I may not be dating the dudes I am around, but they are men who I would consider having a relationship with because they pass the first test. Work, Drive, getting or already have their own, and responsible fathers. The way a man takes care of his kids, and himself tells you a lot about his priorities. If a man puts a women before his kids his priorities are all messed up, and the same for a women. No man comes before my kids. My kids are me so there for I would never put a man before myself. I always come first to me, which includes my children, then the man. Well it's time for me to get off here and get ready to start the week. TTYL P.S Think before you commit
Bobby Kristina Hospitalized
Bobby Kristina has been in the spot light from the day she was born. Being the cute little shy girl born to Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown, and now growing up to be a beautiful young women. Hearing about her mothers un timing death sent Bobby Kristina into a fit of uncertainty. It was reported by TMZ she was overcomed with so much sorrow she was rushed to a local LA Hospital. The details of her illness have not yet been released. Bobby Kristina was spotted in the Beverly Hilton Hotel screaming "What's wrong with her" referring to her mother. Bobby Kristina only 18 having to deal with her own addictions, and being in rehab her self, now has to deal with her mothers shocking death. Little Bobby traveled with her mother all the time. With Whitney's untiming passing Bobby Kristina did not only lose a mother she lost her best friend. Bobby Kristina you and your family are in all our prayers.
Whitney's death (Ray J setting the record stright)
Rumors are spreading around that Ray J found Whitney's body in the Beverly Hills Hotel. Ray J's publicist came to shoot that rumor down and stated that Ray J was no where near the hotel when Whitney's body was found. A phone call was made by someone annoymous reporting the singers unresponsive body. The EMT's tried to revive Ms. Houston but there was no luck. Ray J was spotted in the Beverly Hills Hotel with teary eyes saying "Whitney's gone she's gone." There is still no word on the cause of death. STAY TUNED TO WHAT'S THE 411 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION..
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Life is to short
I just woke up and read about Whitney Houston, so I had to post that on my what's the 411. She left this earth at the age of 48. None of us know how she died but we all have our theories on what happened with Whitney. I am sitting in my bed watching old movies just relaxing. Earlier I was watching Demolition man with Sylvester Stallone, and Wesley Snipes I haven't seen that movie in a long time. Now I am watching World's Dumbest and re runs of cops. These shows are just to funny, I am telling you whenever you are in a slump just turn on Cops or World's Dumbest. Since I woke up I have been sitting up here going over what I have done in the past 30 years and I have made plenty of mistakes in my life. I am not going to go over the mistakes I have made, but after hearing about Whitney I have realized that life is short and if you want something you must go after it 100%. If you love someone you must tell them before it's to late. Next week is Valentines Day and everyone will be telling people I Love you, and buying more chocolate and candy then needed. Why do people wait to Valentines Day to show how much they love someone? Why can't I get flowers and candy just because I hold you down. From everything I been through I have learned you are supposed to hold your man down just like he is supposed to hold you down in your time of need. If your man or women can't hold you down then why be with them. Relationships are tested when times get hard, not when everything is going good. If a man or women can stand by their mate when they are going through the tough times and not run with their tail between there legs then that person is your rock. We give up so many rocks for pebbles. What I mean by that statement is we overlook the goods for the bad. It's like everything that glitters ant gold. In marriage vales it says "For sicker or poorer, For better or worse". Most people can handle the sicker, or poorer part, but not a lot of people can handle the worse part. A lot of people run when things get bad, they don't sit and talk it out. Then they get pissed off when things don't go there way. That's why I titled this blog life is to short. Take the good with the bad and move on. I have moved on from a lot of bad and now I have some good in my life. I have someone who is holding me down just like I am holding him down. When you find that weather it's friendship or relationship you don't let that go. You may go through times where you might not like each other but that's life baby. Take life one day at a time, and look at what's going on in your life and how you need to fix it in order to enjoy it. I am telling you baby it will bring you some sunshine. This time last year my life was falling apart and now I everything is going great. I haven't forgotten that pain not at all, I am telling you I used that anger and hurt as fuel to get what I want and now I am happy. No tears are coming from my eyes, hell I can't even remember the last time I cried. My advice you take whatever hell you are going through and you stop and figure a way to use it to get you where you need to be. I am telling you life is short, enjoy it. TTYL
Whitney Houston Dies at 48
The music world has lost another great voice, first Don Cornelius and now Whitney Houston. Whitney Houston was knows for her great voice, and her acting. But she was also known for her rocky relationship to Bobby Brown and her drug abuse. Whitney's cause of death hasn't been released as of yet. It is another sad day in the music industry. Whitney we all loved you spite all your hardships and your faults. You and your talent will be missed. Whitney has sold over 200 million albums and is survived by her daughter Bobby Kristina. Before the singers death she did the movie Sparkle which is coming out later this year. It was said Whitney was thinking about becoming a judge on the new American Talent show X-Factor, but no one saw this coming. Whitney was 1 in a million and she will be missed. RIP Whitney Elizabeth Houston (August 9, 1963–February 11, 2012)
Happy V-Day
Look at my Valentines Day gifts somebody loves me don't they. I have 2 new REAL DESIGNER BAGS MICHAEL KORS AND NINE WEST...I can't wait to wear these with my new shoes and outfits for Valentines Day weekend. My kids are happy they have there new shoes and clothes. I have my new bags and I am as happy as a kid in the candy store. Looking at my bags I know somebody loves me for real, and that somebody will always love me no matter what. Time to get my self ready for later. TTYL
Maya Angelo
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My life
Good morning everyone....This morning I made a big decision about my life. I realized the months are passing by and I will soon have an addition to my last name. I decided to pick up the phone and call a broker about buying a house. My dream is to buy a house by the time I am 30, it won't be 30 but it will before I am 31. It's nothing like having something that's your own. Life is good right now, I have everything I want. I am planning the big day, I am planning the big trip cross country. Everyone says I am in over drive mode right now, which is true. I am getting ready to hit the gym with the kids, then I am going to sign them up for swim classes. My life is moving forward and I am so happy right now it's not even funny, I have no reason to look backwards. My many accomplishments have made my family, my friends and myself proud. In the next 6 months I will have that addition to my name and life will be over the top. I am hoping it doesn't snow anymore because I have a hair appointment tomorrow. I have to take the kids to get new shoes today, I hate taking them shopping with me but I got to do what I got to do. Well time to get my day started TTYL
Friday, February 10, 2012
Baby Blue
Awww look at the baby she is so adorable. Congratulation's Beyonce and Jay, the carter family has a beautiful one month old baby girl. I was surprised that they showed pictures of the baby, I would of thought they would of kept everyone from seeing her. She does look like her mama though....But time will tell who she will look like when she gets older. Beyonce and JayZ enjoy every moment of motherhood and father hood. These times are times you will never get back, enjoy her and she is so beautiful.
Check out more pictures of the Carter family: http://helloblueivycarter.tumblr.com/
Check out more pictures of the Carter family: http://helloblueivycarter.tumblr.com/
Today has been a hard day, everything on my body hurts...I just hope someone comes over to rub my body until I fall asleep. I am telling you guys my workout wore me out, then I went to Giant, Sam's, and Walmart. I am beat. I am going to have me a relaxing cocktail mixed with either Ciroc, Hennsey Black, Grey Goose, Jose Curve, or Aliza I know my bar is fully stocked. I have some fresh strawberry's in my refrigerator, I bought me some new candles I am light them and just relax. I am down for the count right now. Next week will be round 2 with my kids dads, they are not going to like me after this week and I don't give a damn. I am telling you they think I am getting half there checks now, just wait I will be getting 3/4's of it after awhile. What they pay just ant enough for me to keep putting my dreams aside because they don't want to step up. So there for they want to be absent parents, they can be but please believe they will be paying me. Well time to go and chill relax my body...TTYL
Welcome Home My new Babies
Today my babies came home and I love them so much. There names are Gabby and Jenna....Welcome them to my shoe family....
In my life there are certain things you don't mess with My Kids, My money, my car and my shoes...These are my 2012 entries the other 2 haven't arrived yet. But please believe my babies are in the boxes ready to go. You guys have a great day...TTYL
In my life there are certain things you don't mess with My Kids, My money, my car and my shoes...These are my 2012 entries the other 2 haven't arrived yet. But please believe my babies are in the boxes ready to go. You guys have a great day...TTYL
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Feeling Great
I JUST GOT A NEW JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feeling great I just got a new job.....I knew my cards where going to be right I am so siked it's not even funny. Feels good to have misery gone and sunshine in the horizon...I just want to thank God for not letting me give up on myself, and I need to thank the man who's been by my side the whole time my good luck charm. Without you I would be under my covers feeling sorry for myself. You have showed me a whole different side of myself, and I love you for that. Without you I wouldn't of been able to get through half the drama and noise I been going through over the past couple of years. Thanks boo..
Feeling great I just got a new job.....I knew my cards where going to be right I am so siked it's not even funny. Feels good to have misery gone and sunshine in the horizon...I just want to thank God for not letting me give up on myself, and I need to thank the man who's been by my side the whole time my good luck charm. Without you I would be under my covers feeling sorry for myself. You have showed me a whole different side of myself, and I love you for that. Without you I wouldn't of been able to get through half the drama and noise I been going through over the past couple of years. Thanks boo..
Today has been a great day. I went to Annapolis for the road show it felt good to be in my truck on the passenger for once. I spent all day with my boo in Annapolis after the road show we went for lunch at the Cheesecake Factory, the food was on point the cake was on point. Then back to my house for the rest of the afternoon. I am telling you guys it was such a great day. Tomorrow I am going shopping and catch up on my school work. The kids are home and it's pretty nice out so I am let them go out to play while I clean up my room, and do my discussion question for class. Well I hope everyone had a great day like me. I am beat so I am get everything done then take a nap. TTYL Kiss Kiss.
Good morning
Good morning everyone I am up..don't want to be up this early but hey I got woke up this morning so now I am up. It's something I don't have to get up until 7:10 he has to get up between 6-6:30 so I am up as soon as he gets up sometimes. This morning is one of them mornings. But it's all good I have to get ready for the road show this morning and get ready to head down the Shore today for my daughters appointment. I am chill with my family for a bit then head my butt back home. You know you got a good man when he can work 12-17 hours in a day and still come home and give you that special time you deserve. The laughing, the cuddling, and the well you get the picture. Well time for me to get up and get myself ready for this show, but I need to pay some more bills before I leave today. I am so glad I got the second line off my cell phone. I bet I wont ever do that again. Oh last night was the admitting guilt night, it was filled with "I told you so's ." But what can I expect when he was right about certain things, I won't say everything because his head will blow up and he will think he's the shit. But we both know the way you would think you were the shit and you know I am not about to get into that, I have more respect for myself than playing the fool. LOL One thing about this relationship/friendship is we are on the same page, no need for me to say what we are and how much we are...hell you already know that. I just felt the need to show how a real man can work up to 17 hours and handle business at home. God knows I love a hard working man at work and at home....I am on my Real Housewives of Atlanta Shit today LOL....Have a good day at work babe TTYL...
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