Hey everyone I don't usually blog on the weekends but I was just talking to my boo and we were having a discussion about when it is rude to masturbate. Now he finds it rude if I do it when he is a sleep. I feel like he's worked 15 hours and I might wake up at 3am he's sleeping like a baby, why should I wake him up. I find it rude if i was to wake him up and disturb his sleep knowing he has to go to work at 6:30am. I don't have to be to work until 8:30 so I have the extra time to sleep. Plus I work 40 hour weeks not 15 hour days. But if I do it while he's sleep I risk getting kicked out the bed literally, hitting the floor. LOL But if I wake him up I have to hear it when that alarm clock goes off. I am hearing "Man keep your hormones to yourself next time." I am telling you guys this is way funny I can't win for losing trying to be nice and I get hit with I am rude. I find it rude if we just finished doing the do and him or myself turn over and start masturbating. NOW THAT'S RUDE!!!!!!!!! That makes me think I haven't done my job, but I don't have to worry about that. When we are done he turns over alright, turns his ass over and goes back to sleep. Curled up like a baby with a warm bottle. LOL Oh man I am pay for that comment later. LOL But it's true I keeps it 100 I am telling you. He's so cute after he's been worn out. I am to much I know I am get that phone call later saying FUCK YOU...I AM GET YOUR ASS LOL But hey whats a relationship without making fun of each other, making each other laugh. Well since I was called one of them give an inch take a mile chicks, I am just returning the comments. LOL Well I have to get back to my work and get the kids ready for gym. TTYL P.S. Leave your comments or your thoughts about how you feel about masturbation
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