The ladies of Love and Hip Hop Season II
Chrissy Lampkin= Jim Jones Girl
Olivia Longott
Somaya Reece
Emily Bustamante=Fabulous Girl
Kim Vanderhee= Juelz Girl/Baby Momma
Yandy Smith=Jim Jones X Manager
Nancy Jones=Jims Mom
The fabulous season of Love and Hip Hop season 2 has come to an end, with more drama then last season. The drama was so hot the ladies couldn't even sit down in the same room together. The interviewers were all done behind the scenes. The first interview was with Jim, he felt the show made madness where madness didn't need to be, and he didn't say if he was going to join season 3. This season has turned his whole love life and work life up side down. Jim did state that Chrissy will always come first like she is supposed to. That's what you do when you have a lady you love, she comes first much respect to Jim on that one. The next interview was with Emily. Emily is the real definition of love and hip hop. Emily did the show to get her long time boyfriend Fabulous attention. Did it work is the question? According to Emily Fabulous was cheating on her and didn't acknowledge her in the first season. We all say that when he refused to come to a family photo shoot. Emily seemed like she was done moving on from Fab and starting her own life with her kids in a New York apartment . Emily stated during her interview her and Fabulous are dating and working it out...good luck girl. The next interviewee was Kimbella..Yea my girl Kimbella she had one good thing to say that I so agreed with "If a man loves you he will keep his DICK in his pants" That is so 100% true. Her and Juelz are having another baby Congrats you to, but they are not together. Kim stated they are finding out what each other wants and they have respect for each other as parents. Good luck with all that Kim. Chrissy the number one drama queen is up next. Chrissy is the soon to be wife of Jim Jones. Chrissy put her whole life out for the world to see and in return she got a lot of back lash. The back lash was so bad that Chrissy said she's not sure if she is going to do a season 3. Now we all might not like Chrissy but she is Love and Hip Hop. I know I tune in to see what Chrissy is up to. Chrissy was pissed that Yandi took the spot light off her and became a big part of the show. Like they say you cant have to many women in one spot someones bound to be jealous. In Yandi's interview she made it clear she has never slept with Jim. But I don't know about that, because Yandi was to involved with Jim buying Chrissy Shoes, and shit. That's a bit much for a manager. Nancy Jones is the show. Nancy is so crazy and she is the best. Nancy and Oliva had a twitter beef. Nancy was pissed at Oliva because she was impersonating her. Nancy made it clear she doesn't like Oliva and Oliva made it clear she doesn't gived a damn. Oliva has some good material but she just can't bring her self out, through her music. Oliva needs to feel her music, she needs to take that pain from her life and use it through her music. I would love to see Oliva make her own way in the music business. Chrissy and Oliva had a bit of a run in because Oliva and Yandi were good friends and Oliva made it clear that she believed that Chrissy was in fault for the beef between her and Yandi. During the sit down with Mona Oliva finally admitted that she believed Chrissy was at fault, about time Oliva stood on her own feet and had an opinion. Somaya was pissed that they didn't film her because she wasn't interesting she wasn't giving them anything interesting. I am not going to write about Erica because she's not that much to talk about. She couldn't sing, and all she kept doing was showing her breast. But she did make for good drama, between her and Kimbella.
Well lets see what happened next season if there is a next season. I personally think if Chrissy isn't in Season 3 it will not be as good as it is. Not saying Chrissy makes the show, but drama sells.
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