Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hey peoples

Well looks like my summer is going to start off boring. One of my goals was to have a full time regular job by now and have my kids in daycare. But that goal didn't happen and it's not because I haven't tried either. But oh well life goes on I am not I repeat not going to be sitting in this house this summer like I did last summer pondering on what I should and shouldn't have done. This summer I will have my truck back by June 29th, and I cant wait for that. I hopefully will be invited to the FBI Interview process and then where ever God sees for me to go thats where I am going. For my 30th I don't want anything real big, I think I am just going to go away for a week. Maybe Hollywood, San Francisco, or a Mexican Cruise. I am not going to sit around here and worry about how I am going to get any money for anything. I am just going to live my life. I noticed when I stop trying to make things happen they happen on their own so that's my new motto. I do know one thing I am planning on going to the beach for the 4th of July weekend. Iam spend some time with my mom for her bday and then I am going to hang with my girls and maybe somebody might pop up and see how we party on the E.S. He keep saying he wants to go to the beach so who knows the balls in his court we welcome all new comers. You know one thing if feels good to have a friend that I can count on. My truck is fixed right now but I don't have the 750 to pay my duct able and I wont have it until the 29th. But he honestly said  he would take me to handle grocery shopping or anything else I needed, and he's taking me to get my truck when its fixed. To me sex aside that's a real friend. He's not expecting nothing or laying demands on me, saying if I do this then you need to do that. You know what I mean. I can honestly say even if me and him were not sleeping together we will always remain friends. One thing I can say is we were friends before lovers. Well time for me to get dinner finished just had that on my mind. TTYL everyone have a safe and happy Memorial Day Weekend. No DUI's

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